Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically. Further, none should rely on information provided here for health problems. Any questions regarding health should be addressed to own physician or other healthcare provider.

Question No.1: How are children affected by a TV in their bedroom?
Ans.: Teens with a TV in their room are twice as likely to smoke pot, 30% more likely to be sexually active than kids without a TV. This is from a survey of 12 to 16-year-olds.

Question No.2: What is a natural remedy for lowering cholesterol?
Ans.: Red rice yeast has proven to be beneficial to cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that it lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 31%, it can decrease your triglycerides by 34%, and raise your HDL (good) cholesterol by 20%.

Question No.3: How do I get hepatitis C?
Ans.:Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus. It can be contracted by sharing IV drug needles, unprotected sex with an infected partner, tainted blood transfusions, even tattoos and body piercing. The disease can remain hidden for decades. As many as 70% of those infected are unaware that they have it.

Question No.4: What bacteria should I look for in yogurt.
Ans.: Yogurts always contains thermophilus and L.Bulgaris mostly contain L. acidophilus. Look for a brand which adds bifidobacterium to the above mentioned. 6 to 8 oz pe day is adequate. Look for low-sugar brands. Plain yogurt is best.

Question No.5: What’s good about onions?
Ans.: Research shows that onions may help guard against chronic diseases because of their quercetin content. Absorption of the quercetin in onions is twice that from tea and three times that from apples. the quercetin in onions protects against cardiovascular disease, cataracts and cancer.

Question No.6: How many different kinds of bacteria live in my intestine?
Ans.: 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria live in your instestinal tract to help fight the harmful bacterial that also live there. They help your digestion and boost your immune system.

Question No.7: What’s wrong with iceberg lettuce?
Ans.: Iceberg lettuce is low in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol. It’s a good source of thiamine, vitamin b6, iron, potassium, and fibre. It also contains vitamins A,C,K, Folate, and manganese. but a large portion of the calories in Icebrg lettuce comes from sugars, so it has a high glycemic index rating.

Question No.8: Does echinacea really cut the duration of a cold?
Ans.: After much debate, an analysis of 14 studies says yes. Taken at the first sign of symptoms, echinacea cuts cold duration by about a day and a half.

Question No.9: Can having friends cut my alzheimer’s risk?
Ans.: Yes. One study found that those were lonely were twice as likely to develop alzheimer’s disease.

Question No.10: Is there any hope in the fight against MRSA?
Ans.: Yes. Scientists at Britain John James Centre have proven that taking a short strand of DNA within MRSA and other superbugs and placing it existing antibiotics can counter antibiotic resistance.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically. Further, none should rely on information provided here for health problems.Any questions regarding health should be addressed to own physician or other healthcare provider.

Question No.1: Can green tea help me lose weight?
Ans.: A 12-week study in which subjects drank varying amounts of teas containing 690 mg of catechins, concluded that the intake of catechins, like those found in green tea, might be useful in the prevention and improvement of lifestyle-related diseases, mainly obesity.

Question No.2: What’s a natural alternative to combat stress?
Ans.: A plant native to the artic region, thodiola rosea is a proven stress reducer (adaptogen). It is also known to combat depression, improve work performance decrease fatigue, reduce altitude sickness, even treat erectile dysfunction.

Question No.3: How can I burn calories without exercising?
Ans.: Get in the habit of fidgeting while you work. Pace while you talk on the phone. Bounce you knee at your desk, or frequently shift your sitting position. In one study, fidgeting burned 350 extra calories per day.

Question No.4: What causes night-time leg cramps?
Ans.:Calf cramps can be triggered by dehydration, prolonged sitting or a deficiency in potassium, calcium and magnesium. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water per day, walk or stretch you legs every hour or so, and eat lots of low fat dairy and mineral-rich green, leafy vegetables.

Question No.5: I can’t take dairy foods. What are other food sources of calcium?
Ans.: Non-dairy calcium sources include: canned fish with bones, like sardines, mackerel, salmon: dark-green leafy vegetables, Such as kale, collards and broccoli: calcium and vitamin d-fortified and soy milk: fortified breakfast cereals: and nuts.

Question No.6: What are “green foods”?
Ans.: “Green foods” is a term used to describe young cereal grasses like wheat, barley, oats, alfalfa, spirulina, cholerella, kelp and other sea vegetables,

Question No.7: How do I use honey to speed healing of wound?
Ans.: Apply farm honey (not commercial brands that are heated), to sterile gauze and wound. Change dressing every 24 hours. This can be used for superficial wounds, cuts and burns. Studies show burns treated with honey healed 4 days faster than those without it.

Question No.8: What are the benefits of vitamin C?
Ans.: Vitamin c can block cancer from forming in your body, keep your arteries clear, preserve your vision and prevent cataracts, reduce heart attack risk, lessen or eliminate arthritis pain, boost your skin young-looking.

Question No.9:
What’s the best kind of oatmeal?
Ans.: 3 g of cut oats contain 4 g of fibre per serving, but they take longer to cook. So if you’re in a hurry and opt for instant oats, you’ll lose a gram of fibre in your bowl of oatmeal.

Question No.10:
Are there any herbal remedies for migranes?
Ans.: A recent study demonstrated that butterbur is an effective alternative to migraine medications. After four months of taking 75 mg, two times a day, those taking butterbur cut their migraine episodes in half.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions which the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically. Further, none should rely on information provided here for health problems. Any questions regarding health should be addressed to own physician or other health-care provider.

Question No.1: Can staying up late have an affect on my mood?
Ans.: A Stanford University study reports that those who stay up after 1:00 am score higher on depression screenings than those who regularly hit the sack by 10:30 p.m.

Question No.2: What foods contain the highest plant sterols, to lower my cholesterol naturally?
Ans.: Corn oil comes in at number one, followed by sunflower oil, beans, corn, peanut butter, olive oil, almonds, and avocado.

Question No.3: What’s the best time to take my allergy remedy?
Ans.: Take it before bed time so it has chance to be circulating in your blood-stream when you wake up the next morning.

Question No.4: Are there any foods that will improve my insulin resistance?
Ans.: A German study revealed that those who ate 31 g of insoluble fibre per day had an 8% increase in insulin sensitivity that is what you get in three servings of high fibre cereal, or two servings of barley.

Question No.5: Why is lung cancer called leading cancer killer?
Ans.: Because it’s hard to diagnose in its early stages.

Question No.6: Can eating fish help my anxiety?
Ans.: Yes. After taking fish oil for 3 months, test subjects who took 600 mg of fish oil per day felt about half as stressed as before the study. Those who took a placebo felt more stressed.

Question No.7: How much exercise do I need to get fit?
Ans. : New research shows that women can improve their fitness and cardio-vascular health by adding just 10 minutes of moderately intense activity per day. After 6 months, participants’ oxygen intake increased and their waistlines got smaller.

Question No.8: Can eating fish cut my risk of dementia?
Ans.: A recent study from tufts university showed that eatin cold-water fatty fish does stave off dementia. Eating fish 3 times per week lowered dementia risk by 47%.

Question No.9: Does stress play a role in chronic fatigue syndrome?
Ans.: A large Swedish study revealed that those who felt their lives were spinning out of control were 56% more likely to develop chronic fatique syndrome than those who cope well with anxiety. This means that stress reducers like exercise and meditation could relieve and prevent cfs symptoms.

Question No.10: What can I do to cut back on portions?
Ans.: Start your lunch or dinner with a bowl of soup. You may eat 20% less food if you begin your meal with soup. Be aware that cream soups have more calories.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically. Further, none should rely on information provided here for health problems. Any questions regarding health should be addressed to own physician or other healthcare provider.

Question No.1: Is it correct to eat all of my daily calories in one meal?
Ans.: People who eat all of their calories in one meal gain more weight than those that spread their calories over three meals.

Question No.2:Can my blood pressure medication raise my risk of diabetes?
Yes. A study confirmed that diuretics and beta blockers do raise you risk of developing diabetes. It is, therefore, better that you may consider many natural alternatives to blood pressure medication.

Question No.3: Can exercise improve my memory?
Ans.:A three-month Columbia university study revealed that those who exercised just four times a week had better blood volume in the hippocampus, an area of the brain linked to memorization of new info. More blood volume equals better memory.

Question No.4:How much does deadline pressure affect my heart attack risk?
In one study, employees toiling under intense deadline pressure were 6 times more likely to suffer a heart attack.

Question No.5: Where is melanoma most often diagnosed?
Ans.: In women, most melanomas occur on the legs. For men, the most diagnosed areas are the trunk, head and neck, have someone examine you from head to toe. Look for changes in size or colour of blemishes, mole and freckles.

Question No.6:What are the FDA suggested daily limits on artificial sweeteners?
Saccharin – 12 packets: aspartame (equal, NutraSweet) – 74 packets, or 22 cans of soda: sucralose (splenda) – 28 packets

Question No.7: Can my kids get sick from swimming in public pools?
Ans.:Yes. Children can pick up RWI’s (recreational water illness) even from well-maintained pools. Illnesses include: diarrhoea, skin, ear, or respiratory infection.

Question No.8: What foods can boost my HDL good cholesterol?
Ans.: In one study, women who consumed 26 g of soy protein daily over a six-week period increased their HDL levels by 402%. 2.8 g of DHA (omega-3) daily for one month raised HDL by 8%

Question No.9: What tuna is least contaminated?
Ans.: Opt for “chunk light tuna in water.” It averages only 118 parts per million (ppm) of mercury. Tuna packd in oil averages as much as .353 ppm. Canned salmon contains less than .1 ppm, but it’s much more expensive than tuna.

Question No.10: Why are hot dogs/wieners unhealthy?
Ans.: A new study found that eating just 1 hot dog/wiener per day increased the risk of pancreatic cancer, which is almost always fatal, by 67% on account of the sodium nitrates present in wieners and other processed meats.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically. Further, none should rely on information provided here for health problems. Any questions regarding health should be addressed to own physician or other healthcare provider.

Question No.1: What can I do to reduce my hot flashes?
Ans.: In a new study, flaxseed reduced the frequency of hot flashes by 60%. Flaxseed could provide added protection against the misery of hot flashes. Flaxseeds must be ground up or take flaxseed oil.

Question No.2:
What food has the most lycopene?
Ans.: If you want the most lycopene from a food source, look to the guava, not the tomato. One cup of this tropical fruit provides 688 g of potassium, more than you’ll find in a banana. Eat the rind too… it has more vitamin C than an orange.

Question No.3: Is there a natural product to ease the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome?
: We may try zyflamend. It contains a blend of ginger, turmeric and other herbs with anti-inflammatory properties. Taken as directed, it’s safe to take indefinitely.

Question No.4: Is there an herbal remedy for back pain?
Ans.: We may try devil’s claw root. Studies show that it’s more effective than white willow bark.

Question No.5:
Can exercise help me keep from getting a cold?
Ans.: A University of Washington study revealed that those who exercised 45 minutes, five days per week, were 66% less likely to catch cold.

Question No.6: Some serving sizes please?
Ans.: One serving size equals: apple-1 cup, sliced banana- 8”-9”, broccoli-1 chopped or cooked, cantaloupe-1/4 : carrots (baby)-6; celery-2 ribs; corn-8”-9” ear; grapes-16; orange juice-6 oz; raisins-1.5 oz. Box; spinach-1 raw; strawberries-1/2 c sliced; tomato-3”.

Question No.7: How does a guji berry compare with an orange in vitamin C content?
Guji berries contain 500 times mor vitamin c by weiht than oranges.

Question No.8: Is it safe to take tanning pills?
Ans.: Never take contain a colour additive called canthaxanthin which can cause Hepatitis, hives and yellow spots in the eyes. You’re left with an artificial tan—an unattractive orange tint to your skin.

Question No.9: Does hoodia work well for weight loss?
Ans.: Hoodia is a genus of 13 species in the flowering plant family Apocynaceae, under the subfamily Asclepiadoideae. Much of hoodia’s reputation appears to be hype. Hoodia’s efficacy hasn’t been well established by studies. In fact, one study found that half of the hoodia products tested didn’t even contain hoodia.

Question No.10: What’s the healthiest sitting position?
Ans.: Sitting straight up at a 90 degree angle causes damage to your lower back, according to a recent study. Instead, adjust the height of your chair so that your knees are 3 or 4 inches higher than your hips. Recline slightly with a small pillow behind your lower back.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically. Further, none should rely on information provided here for health problems. Any questions regarding health should be addressed to own physician or other healthcare provider.

Question No.1: What’s the healthiest part of the apple?
Ans.: 75% of the fibre of the apple is found in the skin. 13 anti-cancer chemicals are in red delicious apple peels. The peel is the most important part of an apple.

Question No.2: How many years can a healthy lifestyle add to my life?
Ans. It has been demonstrated that if you eat lots of fruits and vegetables, don’t smoke, exercise regularly and drink in moderation, you can add 14 years to you life span

Question No.3: Can yogurt help my IBS?
Ans.A British study found that women who took 100 c.f.u. of Probiotics reduced their IBS symptoms by 20% more than those who took a placebo.

Question No.4:
Can learning a new language help me stave off dementia?
Ans.: Canadian study showed that those who studied a new language pushed back dementia by four years.

Question No.5:
How common are spider veins?
Ans.: Spider veins affect half of all women. To prevent them, avoid prolonged periods of standing, sitting or wearing tight–fitting support stockings, which decrease pressure on the veins.

Question No.6:
What supplement can I take to cut my cancer risk?
Ans.: Calcium and vitamin D are proven to cut cancer risk. Women who took the combination of nutrients cut their overall cancer risk by up to 77%. 1.100 IU per day is an adequate dose.

Question No.7: What are the healthiest spices to add to my food?
Ans.: Curry, turmeric, garlic cayenne, sage and fennel all have been shown to offer health benefits in additional to spicing up your favourite recipes.

Question No.8:
What’s the best way to eat broccoli: cooked or raw?
Ans.: Lightly steaming broccoli releases the maximum amount of sulforaphane, a powerful. Anti-cancer compound. Microwaving broccoli produces uneven temperatures that decrease sulforaphane. Steam 3-4 minutes.

Question No.9:
Why should I eat avocados with my salad?
Ans.: A recent study revealed that those who ate a sliced avocado with their salad had 5 times the blood levels of lutein and 15 times more beta-carotene than those who ate the salad without avocado. The nutrients in vegetables absorb nectar when eaten with healthy fats, like avocado.

Question No.10:
Can spinach help my macular degeneration?
Ans.: Spinach contains lutein, a substance known to increase the pigment on the macula in the eye. In one study, macular pigment levels increased by 19% in those who ate spinach daily.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically. Further, none should rely on information provided here for health problems. Any questions regarding health should be addressed to own physician or other healthcare provider.

Question No.1: What is LDL or “bad” cholesterol?
Ans.:Contrary to popular belief, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is not Cholesterol. It’s a protein molecule that transports Cholesterol to the tissues throughout the body. Cholesterol is not “bad.” It’s needed for many body functions, including making new cell membranes.

Question No.2:
What are some major illnesses that I can treat without medication?
Arthritis, Depression, Cognitive Decline, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Osteoporosis can often be treated without the use of drugs.

Question No.3:
Is there anything that can reduce my stretch marks?
Ans.: Redtinoid cream has been shown to reduce the length of stretch marks by 14% and the width by 8%. The best results are seen on newer stretch marks.

Question No.4:
Is there an alternative to having a Hysterectomy?
Ans.: High-Intensity Ultrasound is a viable alternative. A 3-hour treatment uses a laser to heat and destroy fibroid tissue, easing pain and heavy bleeding. Over 75% of women felt better after 3 months. 1/3 required repeat treatment after a year.

Question No.5:
How much protection from cancer do fruits provide?
Ans.: One study showed that those who ate two or more servings of fruit per day had 70% fewer lung cancers.

Question No.6:
Is obesity linked to dementia?
Ans.: A startling new study showed that those who had a large belly in middle age had three times the risk of dementia. The risk begins at 35 inches around the waist for women, 40 inches for men.

Question No.7:
What works best for heart health, flaxseed oil or fish oil?
Ans.: Long-chain Omega-3 fats, like those found in fish oil, are more heart-healthy because they are more easily absorbed than shorter-chain ones, like those in flax seed oil.

Question No.8:
How can I get rid of a migraine without drugs?
Ans.: Try a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator (TMS), a device that disrupts the wave of electrical activities in the brain that triggers a migraine. In one study, 75% of migraine sufferers avoided a migraine by using the tms.

Question No.9:
Are air fresheners unhealthy?
Ans.: A study showed that those who had the highest levels of dichlorobenzene, the chemical found in room deodorizers and mothballs, had weakened lung function. Alternatively, you may add several drops of your favorite essential oil to spray bottle filled with spring water, and mist the air.

Question No.10:
Do nuts roasted in oil still protect me from heart attack?
Ans.: Oil has little or no impact on the benefit of nuts because nuts have a hard Thin skin.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically.

Question No.1:
What is the best makeup to use to cover Rosacea?
Ans.: A yellow-toned formula neutralizes redness best and looks the most natural. Avoid shades with a green Mauve or orange tinge.

Question No.2:
Do I require less sleep as I get older?
Ans.:No, it is individual requirement. Just because we sleep less as we age doesn’t mean that our body’s sleep needs decrease with age. Everyone has their own individual sleep requirements, but they don’t decrease as we age.

Question No.3:
What has more antioxidants, dark chocolate or blueberries?
Dark chocolate has five times as many antioxidants as blueberries.

Question No.4:
What can I do to avoid having smelly gas?
Ans.: Foods like Broccoli, Cauliflower and beans cause the bacteria in the colon to produce unusually pungent gas. Drinking a half cup of cranberry juice per day can help reduce the odour. Other foods that help: yogurt, parsley and mint leaves.

Question No.5:
Is there a way to lose weight without going on a diet?
Ans.: Snacks on fruits or vegetables instead of unhealthy snacks expect to lose a pound a week.

Question No.6:
Can green tea really benefit my prostate?
Ans.: A University of Parma, Italy study revealed that among 32 men with PIN, a prostate pre-cancerous condition, who drank 3 cups of green tea per day for a year, only 1 developed prostate cancer.

Question No.7:
How common are stretch marks?
Ans.:Up to 90% of women have stretch marks. Retinoid creams may help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks, especially if they are less than six months old.

Question No.8:
How do I choose the best breakfast bar?
Ans.:Make sure it has no more than 15g of sugar, look for 5g or more of fibre. It should have at least 5g of Protein and 25% of DV of calcium.

Question No.9:
How many are bacteria in my mouth?
Ans.: There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.

Question No.10:
What does coffee contain other than caffeine?
Ans.: Plenty. There are over 1,000 chemicals in coffee. Only 26 of those chemicals have been tested. Half of them caused cancer in rats. So have another latte while you ponder that one.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are added and/or attributed authentically.

Question No.1: How is hemp useful for me? Can I include it in my diet?

:Buy whole, shelled hemp seeds at natural food store. Sprinkle them on cereal and salad. mix them into bread dough or muffin batter (no grinding necessary). Try hemp milk. It has Omega-3 fats that you won’t find in rice, soy, or cow’s milk. You’ll also find hemp as an ingredient in granola or granola bars. Hemp seeds are one of the few plant sources of all 9 essential amino acids. Hemp is also a good source add to that fibre, B vitamins, irons, and vitamin E.

Question No.2:
Is there a natural remedy to ease my multiple sclerosis symptoms?

In a 2002 study, it was found that Curcumin blocked the progression of multiple sclerosis. Mice who were injected with Curcumin showed little or no disease symptoms, while those without the treatment went on to severe paralysis

Question No.3: What has the most antioxidants - Bing Cherries or Almond?

Bing Cherries have three times the antioxidant power of Almond.

Question No.4
: How often should an average. middle-aged person exercise per week?

Ans.:The average mid-lifer should exercise 2-3 times per week. A coupe extra exercise sessions per week will boost your heart and brain health even more.

Question No.5: How sugary are kid’s cereals?

Sugar accounts for over 1/3 of the weight of kids’ cereals. In comparison, the amount averages less than ¼ with adult cereals.

Question No.6.:What can I do to avoid mental decline?

The brain is a “use it or lose kit” organ, just like our muscles. New learning builds new synapsis on top of old synapsis, which helps reinforce older synapsis so they stay active. An active brain stays sharp, a passive brain grows dull.

Question No.7: Why do diet soda drinkers gain more weight than regular soda drinkers?

Researchers have concluded that diet soda drinkers think. They don’t have to watch what they eat if they’re drinking diet soda.

Question No.8:
How does being overweight affect my knees?

Being overweight triples the risk of knee surgery. Being obese quintuples the risk. Knees, hips and spines aren’t designed to handle excessive weight.

Question No.9:
What is the healthiest apple?

.:The Fuji has the highest total Phenolic and Flavonoid content. Red delicious apples are also quite high.

Question No.10.
Do fruits lose their antioxidant levels over time?

In a recent study, after a week, antioxidant levels of fruits were the same as they were on day one.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are the questions the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are attributed authentically in public interest.

Question No.1: How does the strength of men compare with women?
Ans.: Women possess only 2/3 of the physical strength of men.

Question No.2:
Does the brain make new cells as we age?
Ans.: Contrary to popular belief, brain cells do regenerate, firstly identified in a landmark 1998 study that Neurogenesis (literally, birth of neurons) has been observed in adults as old 72.

Question No.3: How can I tell if I have flat feet?
Ans.: To ascertain that you have got flat feet, please wet your foot and make a footprint on a dry, hard surface or on a white paper laid onto a hard floor. The impression would tell you if you have flat feet.

Question No.4:What’s the difference in potassium content between white bread and whole wheat bread?
Ans.: White bread contains less than half the Potassium of whole wheat bread. Potassium is an important mineral for maintaining optimum blood pressure.

Question No.5:How can I take care of ingrown hairs?
Ans.: Gently using a body scrub or wash cloth daily will help dislodge trapped hairs and prevent their return. If an ingrown hair becomes infected, please ask your doctor about a prescription for an antibiotic lotion to kill bacteria.

Question No.6: What causes dandruff?
Ans.: Dandruff is shedding skin, caused by a scalp fungus that feeds on skin oils. Those who suffer from dandruff shed skin much more rapidly than other people. The root cause of dandruff is usually related to over-consumption of processed foods high in omega-6 fats, while not consuming enough omega-3 fats.

Question No.7:What is wrong with eating peanuts?
Ans.: While peanuts are a good source of vitamins and minerals, they are often contaminated with Aflatoxin, a potent mold. Aflatoxin is considered to be the most carcinogenic substance on earth. Peanut butter is the most common dietary source of Aflatoxin.

Question No.8: What is a natural remedy for athlete’s foot?
Ans.: 55% of athlete’s foot sufferers experienced itch relief after applying tea tree oil to the affected area for four weeks.

Question No.9: Why do I need vitamin D?
Ans.: The sunshine vitamin' is a must in your diet. Men should take 1000 IU per day and women 1200 IU. Deficiency of Vitamin D increases the chance of developing Cancer, Osteoporosis, Multiple Sclerosis and other serious illnesses. A good way to get vitamin D (and A) is by taking Cod liver oil.

Question No.10: Is it harmful to cross my legs?
Ans.: Crossing your legs impairs circulation, slowing down the flow of blood from your leg veins to you heart. It also can cause stress and distortion in the hip joint.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are attributed authentically.

Question No.1: Is there proven natural remedy for Arthritis?
Ans.: Studies have proven the effectiveness of Emu oil in reducing pain and swelling in arthritic joints. In one study, pain was reduced by 100% in 14 days. Swelling was reduced by 100% in 17 days.

Question No.2: What are those little white chunks in the back of my throat?
They’re probably caked oil residue from the tonsils, or it could be the sign of a sinus infection, simply harmful to swallow.

Question No.3: What the difference in flavonoids between teas?
Ans.: A cup of black tea contains 268 mg of flavonoids. Green tea: 316. Decaf tea has about 85% of the flavonoids of regular tea. Increase the flavonoids in tea by sqeezing the bag after steeping.

Question No.4: What is the difference between soluble fibre and insoluble fibre?
Ans.: Soluble fibre dissolves in water. It plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels. Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water. It adds bulk to the stool and helps to stimulate intestinal contractions.

Question No.5: What is the main ingredient in bran muffins?
Ans.: Bran is usually touted more for its carbohydrate, fibre, phosphorous, and calcium content, good for health. But most bran muffins contain very little bran, usually less than 2 g of fibre.

Question No.6: Is there an alternative to NSAIDs for headache pain relief?
Ans.: Try rubbing peppermint oil on your temple and forehead at the first sign of a headache. Some physicians claim it works.

Question No.7: Is there a proven weight-loss supplement?
Ans.: Some studies show chromium to be effective at weight loss. Chromium works at the cellular level to increase metabolism, so you burn fat faster and more efficiently.

Question No.8: Why is Krill Oil a better source of Omega-3 than fish oil?
Ans.: Many researchers believe Krill Oil to be a superior Omega-3 source because it is tiny and short-lived, with higher absorption rate than fish oil.

Question No.9: Why do I feel sleepy in the afternoon?
Ans.: We are all governed by our biological clock, also called Circadian Rhythm. Due to a dip in the Circadian cycle, some people feel a lull or drowsy period 17 to 18 hours after they went to sleep the previous night.

Question No.10: Can Strawberries lower my heart disease risk?
Ans.: Researchers at the sphere foundation discovered that strawberries can lower Homocysteine levels, a risk for heart disease. They are rich in folate, a compound that has been shown to lower Homosysteine levels.

Be Happy - Forget Your Past

Most of our time passes with past memories and expectations from the future. We are not able to go out of all that clutter and lead our happy life spontaneously. We find ourselves burdened not because of our present problems but because of the past hanging around our neck like a heavy stone.
Interestingly, many of us tend to forget facts but remember and dwell upon psychological memories. There is a difference between psychological and factual memories. The past memories cloud your eyes while the factual memories add up to your life.

Factual Memory has technical uses. You have to know how to drive, you have to know where your home is, and you have to recognise your wife and your children. Such memories are useful. They add up to your life and facilitate it. But if you come home and you look at your wife and think of all your past bad experiences with her, definitely your mood will change and that is a psychological hang-up. If she was angry with you in the recent past, then that memory can cloud your eyes. If she was nasty or sad, then it too can colour your perception. You will never be able to love her.

Psychological impressions change your way of looking and perceiving her as she is standing in front of you at this moment. You are no longer looking at her but at someone who doesn't exist. You are looking at a ghost, not at your wife. And she may also be looking at you in the same way. If you wish to rejuvenate yourself, your happiness, you will have to drop the past each moment. Just as you clean your house, you must clean your inner house of the past. All psychological memories have to be dropped. Just you may kindly keep factual things and your mind will be very clean and clear.

Soon you will find that you are happy again.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

These are questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are attributed authentically.

Question No.1:
What is the best time to take vitamin supplements?
Ans.:Take your vitamin supplement with meals. Vitamins and minerals are much better absorbed with food.

Question No.2: What’s the best way to maintain my weight?
Ans.: Don’t skip meals. Instead, eat four or more small meals per day to maintain your weight as well as to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

Question No.3: Can drinking tea improve my health?
Ans.: Studies have shown that regular tea drinkers are at lower risk of Cancer, heart disease stroke, Osteoporosis, bacterial and viral infection.

Question No.4: What are my chances of developing colon cancer?
Ans.: One in 18 Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer in their life-times. Many avoid the Colonoscopy because of having to drink the nasty bowel prep liquid. Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer-related deaths in America. A Colonoscopy may save your life.

Question No.5: Is there any alternative to drugs for overactive bladder?
Ans.:Try acupuncture. Those women who received the acupuncture treatment After four weekly acupuncture sessions, 3% reduction in the placebo group.

Question No.6: How common is Sleep Apnoea?
Ans.: Sleep Apnoea affects up to 1 in 4 Americans. It can lead to weight gain and heart problems. To get diagnosed, you will spend a night in a sleep clinic with wires attached to you to monitor your sleep patterns.

Question No.7: What are the best nutrients to preserve my memory and cut Alzheimer’s risk as I get older?
Ans.:There are some nutrients identified to cut Alzheimer’s risk: niacin, foliate, and vitamin. Vitamine Green leafy has been shown to combat memory loss.

Question No.8: Can dark chocolate lower my breast cancer risk?
Ans.: Not only is dark chocolate heart smart, it has been shown to lower breast cancer risk due to its ability to raises HDL “Good Cholesterol” high HDL levels are linked to lower breast cancer risk.

Question No.9: Is there a link between sleep and lifespan?
Ans.: One study found that length 0f sleep time was a better predictor of mortality than smoking. Cardiac disease, or hypertension, those who slept 6 hours or less had a 70% higher mortality rate than those who slept 7 or 8 hours.

Question No.10:Is there a risk of overdose from electromagnetic fields in my home appliances?
Ans.:Yes, regular overdose of electromagnetic fields in your home can injure your health. You should not prefer large appliances like refrigerators which emit harmful EMFs than smaller ones. You should keep your clock radio a few feet from you head when you sleep. Further, it is advisable to use a hands-free headset for your cell phone and replace the electric blanket with an extra blanket.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Be Happy - Managing Heartburn

HEARTBURN (Pyrosis) is a painful or burning sensation in the esophagus just below the breastbone, caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The pain often rises in the chest and may radiate to the neck, throat, or angle of the jaw.


· Avoid acidic, high-fat and spicy foods

· Alcohol, including wine

· Citrus foods (oranges, lemons, lime, etc.)

· Tomatoes and tomato sauce

· Coffee and colas

· Chilli powder and other spices

· Raw garlic, raw onions mint and chocolate

· Oregano

· Pure ghee, sweets, cheese (eg. Pizza and burger), deep-fried foods (eg. French fries, chips, etc.)


· Avoid large meals and try to eat more smaller meals throughout the day

· Avoid bedtime snacks eat early in the evening

· Lie down only after 2 to 3 hours of your meal intake

· Eat your main (larger) meal at noon and a lighter meal at night

· Whenever possible, eat in a relaxed manner and in stress-free surroundings


· Non-citrus fruits

· Most vegetable and salads, except onions and garlic

· Most grains and cereals

· Low-fat cheese and butter

· Lean meat, fish and white of an egg


· Exercise to reduce your weight. An obese person is more prone to heartburn

· Avoid bending down exercises as gravity increases heartburn

· Yoga is also helpful

Inputs from Dr M H Chawla, consultant gastroenterologist, Guru Nanak Hospital, Mumbai

Monday, December 15, 2008

Be Happy - For Your Well-Being

Note :These are questions what the people generally make formally or informally to the friends, relatives, specialists or the experienced ones and the answers given are also some sort of hear-say. I would welcome if they are attributed authentically. - Vinod K Gulati

Question No.1. How much difference does it make if I swing my arms when I walk?
Ans.: You’ll walk of 15% more calories if you swing your arms when you walk.

Question No.2. Should I take Policosanol for my high cholesterol?
Ans.: A recent study found no change in LDL Total or HDL Cholesterol among participants who took Policosanol. If you want to avoid static drugs, there are a number of other proven natural remedies. Like Red Rice Yeast and products containing plant sterols. They are known to lower Cholesterol

Question No.3. What are your chances of getting Alzheimer’s disease if both your parents had it? Ans.: In one study, 22% of the adult children of couples with Alzheimer have had the disease themselves. In those off spring older than 70, almost 42% had Alzheimer’s.

Question No.4. Can eating nuts lower my blood pressure?
Ans.: Pistachios can. Just 1.5 oz, a handful per day to lower blood pressure and reduce the cardiac response to strikes.

Question No.5. Is there a supplement for age spots?
Ans.: Vitamin a has been shown to be effective in erasing age spots. Apply vitamin a cream to you age spots.

Question No.6. What are my chances of having a brain tumour?
Ans.: A new Dutch study revealed that one in 60 older adults had a benign brain tumour. Almost two of those in the study had bulging blood vessels, called aneurysms that can lead to a potentially serious store.

Question No.7. Can coffee benefit my heart?
Ans.: A recent study revealed that 2 to 3 cups of caffeinated drinks, including coffee, can cut the risk of dying from heart disease by at least 31% another study showed that coffee can lower your risk of colon cancer.

Question No.8. What supplement should I take for brittle nails?
Ans.: Try biotin, a member of the b-vitamin family. It has been shown to be effective at relieving brittle nails.

Question No.9. What are the best benefits of Folic Acid?
Ans.: Folic acid has been proven to protect against birth defects of the brain and spine. Yet many pregnant women don’t know about it. Studies show it also reduces the risk of many common cancers by 80%.

Question No.10. What has more fiber coffee or orange juice?
Ans.: Coffee has more fiber than orange juice.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Be Happy - How To Revive Your Perception

Perception plays an important role for restoration of confidence. It is, therefore, necessary to revive the perception to optimism. You know that for revival of perception, you need to think by using the words available in your vocabulary. In this process, you will have to be very much selective and use only those words which have optimistic tone only, nothing else – no fear, no confusion but transparency only coming out of your heart and soul. If such words are chained in some melody or phrases, that would transform your thinking process leading you to the maximum optimism.

You may keep in mind when you use word-phrases and melodies to revive your perception to deliver the optimistic results:

  1. Consciously or unconsciously, we tend to recognize in melodic structure the essence of heart feeling. You must guide your feelings, then, in a positive direction by singing sweet melodies like, “My Lord! I am yours; You may become mine” or “As you love yourself; teach you how to love others”.
  2. You may support your chanting with rhythms to stimulate and strengthen your determination to go deeper in meditation.
  3. You must select only those rhythms with pleasant musical support. The melancholic tones would defeat your purpose.
  4. As attention to positive music, or chanting, draws to a conclusion easily, the words and music move from being an external experience to an internal one; there is a dynamic stillness that can be tangibly felt. At this crucial moment, you need to take the opportunity to use the vibration set up by the chanting and dive deep into meditation.
  5. Then, you should sit silently for as long as you can do so with joy and optimism.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Be Happy - How To Restore Your Confidence

Sometime, you may find yourself in the web of thoughts. At that time, you would be feeling confused to take a definite course of action to solve a problem and remain undecided for a long period. You feel unable to work out your confidence whether a particular action if you take would be successful or not. You need to restore your confidence in such circumstances. Let’s search out the way how to do it.
You very well understand that your mindset is divided into two regions – you may call them as the Conscious Part and Subconscious Part. Both parts continuously interact with each other and effect your perceptions and decision making process emphatically. The both parts play important roles in framing your mindset in their individual capacities.

Your memories and emotional factors are unknowingly housed in your subconscious part. That collection is so powerful that whatever you think subconsciously, you become like that. If you tend to think that you can win the battle, that you can succeed in the interview, that you can achieve good marks in your examination or that you can come over some emerging problem, and if such positive thinking is made up in your mind before you attempt, be sure that you can do the same and for doing so, you will put in your best. If you start to work on some negative tone, you won’t be able to get the target whatever the amount of your efforts may be there. With negative thinking at the start, you may not achieve and if you achieve, the achievement may not be so glaring one.

For restoration of confidence, you need to understand your own mind and make changes in your attitude to think more positively. To do it more methodically, the following attempts can be undertaken by you:

1 You may consider finding out why you feel weak to counter a challenge, why you are not loved by someone or all, why you do not get what you deserve or why you do not deserve to get that particular status/matter, etc. you may find out the origin of such thinking and challenge the validity. Sometime, you develop some inferior complex in your mind due to an unwarranted emotional attachment to your name and form, to result into distorted perceptions. you must check the accuracy of your perceptions. You may list the people who do love you; remind yourself of the instances when you have been successful in achieving something – the target might be getting someone smile on any ground, or preparing a delicious meal or making an appreciable presentation in the office.

2 You may maintain a record of your thoughts depreciating your worth. You have to look at them objectively and mark them as black if your perception has been distorted by your emotions only; white –if they are genuine. For example if the recent appraisal at office grades your performance in the last quarter as average, you should look at your reactions. Do you tend to blame your boss or wife as the cause of such grading? This victimizing mentality hampers growth. Instead, you should take over complete responsibility and search for causes within your thinking framework if they are negative, delaying behaviour and fears of failure which have given negative approach of the creator within (subconscious mind) and restrained the process of your success.

3 You may undertake Ānāpānasati (meditative concentration) for five minutes only regularly to groom up your mind to quickly switch from a particular frequency to another. This is best done just before sleeping. You may observe the slow and rhythmic rise and fall of your abdomen and count sheep backwards from 25-0. This will get you to the alpha level where your subconscious is most amenable to suggestions.

4 When you reach this stage, mentally to repeat a positive affirmation of self worth, such as, ‘You love and honour yourself. You are confident of success and happiness in your life, as you do your best and let go of the rest’.

5 You would take your actions in the waking state in accordance to your positive inclinations with integral effort of thought, word and deed.

6 Sometimes your feeling may come forth in indirect forms as a feeling of anger with others, irritation, incapacitating self pity or grief. The trick with feelings as opposed to thoughts is to sit down alone when You are in the throes of the feeling and look at the feeling itself. If this makes you cry or you want to punch your pillow, that’s fine too. After some such sessions you will realize how ridiculous all this is.

7 You should tell yourself that the whole world is suffering. Even people who appear prosperous and trouble free, have some suffering or the other. You are not special. You need to cultivate empathy and compassion for others.

8 You should sit in a quiet, peaceful place with your eyes closed to visualize yourself open up to the light of divine grace, like a flower blossoms to receive the warm, life giving rays of the sun. You need to be receptive to the healing of the transformational capacity of divine grace.

9 You should adopt practice giving to others without any motive. You may give encouragement, motivation, a smile, a glass of water, time, money and energy. When you give and share, your own blessings multiply.

10 You should not be preoccupied with results. Now that you have acted from your highest level, you will trust life!