Question No.1: How are children affected by a TV in their bedroom?
Ans.: Teens with a TV in their room are twice as likely to smoke pot, 30% more likely to be sexually active than kids without a TV. This is from a survey of 12 to 16-year-olds.
Question No.2: What is a natural remedy for lowering cholesterol?
Ans.: Red rice yeast has proven to be beneficial to cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that it lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 31%, it can decrease your triglycerides by 34%, and raise your HDL (good) cholesterol by 20%.
Question No.3: How do I get hepatitis C?
Ans.:Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus. It can be contracted by sharing IV drug needles, unprotected sex with an infected partner, tainted blood transfusions, even tattoos and body piercing. The disease can remain hidden for decades. As many as 70% of those infected are unaware that they have it.
Question No.4: What bacteria should I look for in yogurt.
Ans.: Yogurts always contains thermophilus and L.Bulgaris mostly contain L. acidophilus. Look for a brand which adds bifidobacterium to the above mentioned. 6 to 8 oz pe day is adequate. Look for low-sugar brands. Plain yogurt is best.
Question No.5: What’s good about onions?
Ans.: Research shows that onions may help guard against chronic diseases because of their quercetin content. Absorption of the quercetin in onions is twice that from tea and three times that from apples. the quercetin in onions protects against cardiovascular disease, cataracts and cancer.
Question No.6: How many different kinds of bacteria live in my intestine?
Ans.: 500 to 1,000 different types of bacteria live in your instestinal tract to help fight the harmful bacterial that also live there. They help your digestion and boost your immune system.
Question No.7: What’s wrong with iceberg lettuce?
Ans.: Iceberg lettuce is low in sodium, saturated fat and cholesterol. It’s a good source of thiamine, vitamin b6, iron, potassium, and fibre. It also contains vitamins A,C,K, Folate, and manganese. but a large portion of the calories in Icebrg lettuce comes from sugars, so it has a high glycemic index rating.
Question No.8: Does echinacea really cut the duration of a cold?
Ans.: After much debate, an analysis of 14 studies says yes. Taken at the first sign of symptoms, echinacea cuts cold duration by about a day and a half.
Question No.9: Can having friends cut my alzheimer’s risk?
Ans.: Yes. One study found that those were lonely were twice as likely to develop alzheimer’s disease.
Question No.10: Is there any hope in the fight against MRSA?
Ans.: Yes. Scientists at Britain John James Centre have proven that taking a short strand of DNA within MRSA and other superbugs and placing it existing antibiotics can counter antibiotic resistance.