Sunday, November 24, 2013

Be Happy - Your Own Wisdom is Your own Asset.

जीवन पथ जटिल है यह, कालचक्र कठिन है यह,.
पग-पग में भेद-भाव है, रक्त रंजित पांव हैं। 
जन्म से किसी के सर वंश की  छाँव  है,
झूठ के  रथ पे सवार डाकुयों का गाव  हैं।
किसी के पास है छल -कपट, किसी को रूप का वरदान है,
यह सोच के मत बैठ जा कि यह विधि का विधान है।
बज रहा मृदंग है , यह कहता अंग-अंग है,
कि प्राण अभी शेष हैं, मान अभी शेष है।
ऊठा लो ज्ञान का धनुष,
एक कण भी और कुछ माँग मत भगवान से।
ज्ञान की कमान पे लगा दे तू विजय तिलक,
काल के कपाल पे लिख दे तू यह गुलाल से ,
"कि रोक सकता है कोई तो रोक के दिखा मुझे,
हक़ छीनता आया है जो अब छीन के बता मुझे। "
ज्ञान के मच पर सब एक समान है,
विधि का विधान पलट दे ,वोह ब्रह्मास्त्र ज्ञान है,
तो आज से यह ठान लेय, यह बात गांठ बांध ले,
कि कर्म के कुरुक्षेत्र में,
ना रूप काम आता है, ना झूठ काम आता है,
ना जाति काम आती है, ना बाप का नाम काम आता है,
सिर्फ ज्ञान ही आपको आपका हक़ दिलाता है।
ये पंक्तिया एक विज्ञापन का हिस्सा थी, अच्छी लगी, 
इसलिए यहाँ उद्धृत कर दी. शायद मेरे मित्रों को पसंद आयें।

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Be Happy – Get Salvation Through Your Teacher (Guru).

Guru Agya Se jo shish karayee
So  Katni  bhakti  phal  deyee.
[Whatever the disciple does in obedience to the orders of Teacher (Guru),
brings to him the fruit of devotion]

Obeying the orders of the Teacher has great importance. Whosoever carries out the orders of his Teacher begins to get the wealth of pleasures with blessings of God from that very time. If one conforms to whatever is happing through the blessings of his Teacher or the Almighty, this too is the obedience of the Teacher because the way is suggested by the Teacher only. W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965), The Razor's Edge, 1943 mentions , “ You learn more quickly under the guidance of experienced teachers. You waste a lot of time going down blind alleys if you have no one to lead you.”
To Soami main sevak tera
Bhaven sir de sul mera.
(Thou art the Lord and I am Thy servant, If Thou so likest, Thou mayest have my head cut off)

If it is the pleasure of God that the devotee should be executed, he should consider it to be the special Mercy of God and cheerfully prepare to get himself executed and pray, ‘O Supreme Lord! I am Thine, whether You put me in fire or hurl me down the mountain or throw me into the river to be carried away with current, I am cheerfully prepared for every situation. You may do as you wish’. Any devotee who carries out the orders of his Teacher like this is really blessed with His Grace. The Supreme Power grants perfect devotion if a disciple follows the orders of his Teacher strictly in the spirits his Teacher tells him to follow. So long one does not have the perception, he can not follow the orders/teachings. The Teacher knows the condition of every disciple and accordingly explains which way is better for him/her. He never gives orders/teachings at his own but he is directed through the sense of devotion the disciple pays to his teachings. It also depends upon the disciple to decipher what is good or bad and accordingly he puts up his curiosity before his Teacher to guide. He can put up both situations also for seeking enlightenment. Teachers open the door. You need to enter by yourself.

When one gets enlightenment, he/she gets on the right path of the salvation with the confidence that the trouble will now be over. He would have no bigger desire than the salvation. Keeping in view the devotion, the Teacher also keeps himself busy to find out the best way for his disciples. He who has recognised the Teacher and seeks his guidance, can very well understand that his Teacher will tell him the way of salvation. Once this process starts, none can hinder the way.

Juke Hirdaya Guru partiti,
Kala Karam vase nahin jiti
(Kala and Karma cannot dominate over or do any harm to the person who has faith in his Teacher).

Be Happy – Get Salvation Through Your Teacher (Guru).

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Be Happy - No Arrogance be there. खुश रहें - घमंड न करें।

जब द्रोणाचार्य अपने पुत्र अश्वथामा को दूध के लिए रोते देखकर द्रवित हो उठे, उन्हे महसूस हुआ कि गरीबी क्या होती है। उन्हे राजा द्रुपद की याद आई। राजा द्रुपद उनके सहपाठी रह चुके  थे। उन्होंने सोचा यदि राजा द्रुपद से मिला जाये और उन्हे अपनी स्थिति बताई जाये, शायद उनकी गरीबी किसी हद तक दूर हो जाये। वह राजा द्रुपद के पास गए, उन्हे अपनी स्थिति बताई और अपने समय की याद दिलाई कि दोनों सहपाठी रह चुके हैं। राजा द्रुपद पर घमण्ड सवार हो गया, बोले कि ब्राह्मण होने के नाते कुछ भिक्षा दी जा सकती है लेकिन मित्रता का बहाना मत लो। मित्रता बराबरी पर ही चल सकती है। राजा द्रुपद के शब्दों को सुनकर द्रोणाचार्य आहत होकर यह संकल्प किया कि राजा द्रुपद का घमण्ड तोड़ा जाये, इसलिए खाली हाथ वापिस चले गए। वहां से द्रोणाचार्य हस्तिनापुर गए। उन्हे कौरव और पांडवों  को शस्त्र विद्या सिखाने के लिए नियुक्त कर लिया गया। उन्होने  राजकुमारों को सभी शस्त्र चलाने की शिक्षा दी, जब गुरु दक्षिणा का समय आया तब द्रोणाचार्य ने उन्हे राजा द्रुपद के राज्य पर हमला करने की आज्ञा दे दी। राजकुमारों ने द्रोणाचार्य के सामने जब राजा द्रुपद को बंदी के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया, तब  द्रोणाचार्य ने राजा द्रुपद से पूछा, 'हे राजन! क्या अब तो मित्रता हो सकती है?'  राजा द्रुपद को पुरानी बात याद आ गयी और उन्होने अपनी गलती स्वीकार कर ली। इस लिए कभी घमंड नहीं करना चाहिए।

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

खुश रहें - अपशब्दों का प्रयोग न करें।

प्रजापति दक्ष अपने दामाद शिव जी से इर्ष्या रखते थे और लगातार उनके अपमान का बहाना  की खोज करते रहते थे. एक बार उन्होंने शिव जी को नीचा दिखाने के लिए महायज्ञ का आयोजन किया और सर्व यज्ञो के पारंगत महर्षि दधीचि सहित देवर्षियों, महर्षियों और देवताओ को निमंत्रन भेजा, किन्तु अपनी पुत्री सती और दामाद शिव जी को आमंत्रित नहीं किया। महर्षि दधीचि ने शिव जी एवं पुत्री सती की अनुपस्थिति देखकर दक्ष को समझाया कि भगवान शंकर की कृपा के बिना कोई यज्ञ सफल नहीं हो सकता। जलन के साथ किया गया कोई भी कार्य विनाश का कारण बनता है, भले ही वोह सत्कर्म क्यों न हो. इसलिए अपनी इर्ष्या त्याग कर भगवान शंकर को सादर आमंत्रित किया जाये ताकि महायज्ञ सफल हो. यह सुनते ही प्रजापति दक्ष आग बबूला हो गए और अपने दामाद शिव जी के विरुद्ध अपशब्दों का इस्तमाल करते हुए यज्ञ आरम्भ करने के लिए कहा. उनके प्रताप के कारण वहां उपस्थित सभी देवर्षियों, महर्षियों और देवताओ ने विरोध नहीं किया मगर महर्षि दधीचि ने निर्भीकता से कह दिया कि शिव जी के प्रति उनके अपशब्द असहनीय हैं इसलिय वह उन्हे श्राप देते हैं कि यह महायज्ञ उनके कल्याण करने के स्थान पर उनके विनाश का कारण बनेगा। भगवान शंकर की क्रोधाग्नि में सब कुछ भस्म हो जायेगा, और यह कहकर महर्षि अपने आश्रम वापिस चले गए.इसी यज्ञ में भगवती सती ने आत्मदाह किया और यही यज्ञ राजा दक्ष के अपशब्दों के कारण उनके विनाश का कारण  बना। 
ऐसे ही महाभारत काल में जब जयदर्थ ने 1 0 0 बार भगवान कृष्ण के विरुद्ध अपशब्दों का प्रयोग किया था, भगवन ने क्षमा कर दिया मगर जब जयदर्थ ने फिर गाली दी तब भगवान कृष्ण ने अपने सुदर्शन चक्र से उसे सजा दी थी. आज भी इंसान अपशब्दों का प्रयोग करने  से  बेवजह क्रोध का कारण बन कर बहुत नुकसान कर बैठता है. इसलिय अपनी ख़ुशी के लिए अपशब्दों का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए।

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

खुश रहें - ज्ञान को सर्वोच्च महत्व दीजिये।

चीन के विद्वान ह्वेन सांग ने भारत के नालंदा विश्वविधालय में संग्रहित ग्रंथों का गहन अध्ययन किया। वह हिन्दू धर्म शास्त्रों से बहुत ही प्रभावित हुआ था. लौटते समय वह अपने साथ असंख्य धर्मग्रंथों को साथ ले चला. रास्ते में एक नदी पड़ी, नदी को पार कराने के लिए  उन्हे एक नाव में बैठाया गया. कुछ भारतीय छात्र भी उसी नौका में बैठे थे. नौका कुछ दूर ही पहुंची थी कि पानी में उठी भंवर के कारण डगमगाने लगी. नाविक ने कहा कि यदि कुछ वजन कम कर दिया जाये तो नौका डूबने से बच सकती है.उसने सुझाव दिया कि पुस्तको के बण्डल को नदी में फेंक दिया जाये। वजन कम होने पर सवारियों के प्राण बच जायेंगे। ह्वेन सांग ने जब ये शब्द सुने तो उनका चेहरा पीला पड़ गया. वह बोले कि अब उनका भारत के धर्म ज्ञान के अध्ययन एवं प्रचार का उनका सपना पूरा नहीं हो पायेगा।नौका में बैठे भारतीय छात्रों ने कहा, 'नहीं, ऐसा नहीं होगा। ज्ञान का प्रसार महत्व पूर्ण कार्य है. यह पूरा होगा।' ऐसा कहकर उन छात्रों ने उफनती नदी में छलांग लगा दी और ग्रंथों की रक्षा में अपनी जान की आहुति दी. ह्वेन सांग ने चीन वापिस पहुँच कर उन ग्रंथों का अध्ययन किया और अनुवाद कर विश्व को भारत के ज्ञान का परिचय कराया। आज भी भारतीय माँ अपने बच्चो को, 'विद्या माता है' कह कर यह संस्कारित करती है कि  किसी ग्रन्थ के किसी भी अंश का अनादर न  हो, यदि भूल से भी हो जाता है, तो मस्तक से लगा कर ईश्वर से माफ़ी मांगी जाये।अपने जीवन की ख़ुशी के लिए ज्ञान को सर्वोच्च महत्व दीजिये।

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Be Happy – Give Up Your Worries

With our friends, our close relatives and many other persons, we mention very frequently that to ensure happy living, one must not have any worry. This is the most important value we do have amongst those multiple values we wish to lead our life with. But we do not tend to give up our worries very easily. We are helpless, perhaps ignorant too because we do not try to go beyond that point where our worries start. Once they take form, we start to concentrate all of our resources around them for finding solution but not making check-points that they should not come up ever.
Now, there is a solution within your reach for ensuring happy living, for ensuring worry-less living. How? Very easy. You may have a re-look upon your worries whether they have erupted from the matters you have concern. To be concerned is one thing and to worry about is something different. When you worry, your psychological worries start multiplying themselves making you inwardly tiring and exhausted soon. The sheen of your resources get weak and your problems become bigger than their actual dimensions. No fun, be serious. If you redefine your worry to be a matter of your concern, you will evoke your love energy to concentrate for the solution and make you more alive.
Whenever you make something a matter of your concern, you may have to make choice if that matter which needs some solution/settlement is within your power/approach or not, whether that can be solved/settled with a little push-up from other source if required and what are the limits you have. If that matter is beyond your all limits and resources, you may give up your worries because you did not create the worry yourself. Some bad element has created them and that will finish in course of time if you continue your smiles.
You will be surprised to know that here in our society, there are some persons who are not able to live a smooth life because their successes are so enormous that they do not have time to live their own life smoothly. Every time, they get an opportunity to run after just to keep their momentum on, they worry if they miss the bus, they may not reach to the destination and every time, their destination points get farther. Whatever they do, they attempt with full zeal and get success. Their successes are the sum of their worries. They do take on every opportunity to gain success and in this run, they get restless. Apparently, it is good that they take it a matter of concern but that is not good for their health too. They need to ensure a balance between their actual requirements and the opportunities available. The limit of their greed can settle it.
The series of their successes cheats them of their time required for their own life. They need to classify the matters of their worries – the matters upon which they can attempt upon and make change, and the matters beyond their reach. For example, aging factor. They can not do anything, with the time, they would get older and older and one day, their physical machine may break down. They can keep their efficiency tuned up for some time through extra energy doses and cosmetic treatment but that is not the permanent solution and that too would be against the nature’s decaying principle. Simply, we can not go beyond. Where they can attempt to change, they must act as and when there is an opportunity to do so, not worrying in advance. They may have a schedule to work on.
On the other hand, some people do not have sufficient opportunities even to make for their minimal livelihood. Why so? It is a matter of concern for the society as a whole. For the individuals who do not count themselves successful need to rethink why they are not successful. A review of their resources vis their targets can open their eyes. Perhaps they may need a little push up from an outer source. If they feel that the little push-up from an outer source is not possible or that is beyond their reach, they may modify their target to bring within their reach instead of just worrying about.
Those who worry, whether they are successful or not successful, keep themselves in the state of feeling insecurity, anxiety, fear and many other psychological self-inquiries to put their inner being in disorder as reaction to their worries. Why so? You need to feel concern with the problem. If you have got children, you need to love them. It is their right to claim love and care from you. If you have got parents with you, you need to take care for them because when you were in your childhood, they had brought up you to the present stage. If you are parents, your children owe this duty naturally. If sometime they do not perform their duty perfectly, you do not need to worry because somewhere you had missed something which made them irresponsible to some extent. You may get another opportunity to make them repent.  But do not crush your present with the worry on such subject.
If you are engaged somewhere, you need to have concern with your engagement. You are going to your office, you need to go there with all the love, not the hate. If your boss is rude, you need to find out the reasons and assess what you will do if you are boss to some one else in the same circumstances. If you are at home, you need to make your home happier. It is your concern not the worry.
You need to have trust upon yourself. Trust that existence cares for you, loves you and is coaching you in different ways. Here again, success and failure both are not the features to be worried about. Success is not the end of your fulfillment. One success creates the need of another success. One failure requires you to turn around the table. You get involved in action and reaction process. That does not mean you should always worry. It is simply a process you need to continue. Your brain is always working to lead you to fulfillment. The day your brain finds your capacity exhausted and you got fulfillment, it stops to work and you are declared as expired. Therefore, you should not worry for your success and your failure – just go through the working of your brain and you will find the way out. If you worry yourself, it will create pressure upon your brain to put in energy diverted from the main subject. This way, you are suggested to give up your worries to ensure happy living.
Be Happy – Give Up Your Worries.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Be Happy – Be Lucky.

Normally we consider luck as fortune occurring beyond our control, without regard to our will, intention or desired results. When we do not get our desired results in spite of our efforts which we may treat to have been made best out of our capacity, we feel that our luck is not working or we are unlucky.
There are two senses - a prescriptive sense and a descriptive sense. In the prescriptive sense, luck is a supernatural concept that there are divine forces prescribing certain events to occur very much the way we wish or according to the laws of physics which prescribe that certain events occur. It is the prescriptive sense that people mean when they say they "do not believe in luck". In the descriptive sense, luck is a word people give after the occurrence of events which they find to be fortuitous.
We can say that luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. You too can create your own luck . Yes you do. I know you might think that luck is just something that happens randomly or by chance. But it's really not.
Luck happens when you believe that you're lucky or when you have thoughts that lead to being lucky. Luck is really something good that happens to you unexpectedly. If you want to be lucky then you have to think and believe that you are lucky.
You create Good luck when you focus on the positive, when you're optimistic and when you believe that things will work out (or that you're lucky). Bad luck happens when you focus on what is wrong, when you don't think that things will work out, when you don't trust your subconscious mind and higher powers, or when you continually complain about your state.  Bad luck comes from negative thinking that you've created and planted on your subconscious mind and this negative thinking leads to more and worse luck. Things don't go your way because you don't believe they will. So you need to end up creating bad luck. When things continue to get worse, you blame it on luck. But it's really not luck.
It's the negative thinking that you carry. It happens because you've trained your mind to look at what's wrong and you've directed your subconscious mind and to bring you more bad luck and you keep telling your subconscious that you don't want thing to work out.
But it is not what you want.  You want to be lucky. You want things to work out. You want a better life. Negative thinking keeps holding you back. It destroys any chance of success, happiness or a better life. You'll never be "lucky" if you always focus on what's wrong. Those negative thoughts, views and beliefs destroy your success. They create more and more bad luck.
You may want to make more money, lose weight, be healthy, get a new job, meet the right person and achieve your goals. But you won't because those limiting and negative thoughts block your success. You attract more misery and more failure. The cycle continues. It's not really about luck. It's all about what you think and believe. Your subconscious mind follows your thought patterns and beliefs. It simply responds and creates situations that mirror what you believe and think.
When you continue to look at the worst in a situation, think you're unlucky or have a pile of negative thoughts and beliefs you continue to create more and more misery, struggle and failure. Your subconscious thinks that's what you want. So that's what you get. You keep having more "bad luck."
Now you can turn things around. You can go from feeling (and believing) that you're unlucky to being lucky so that you get what you want. You simply have to direct your subconscious mind so that it's positive, optimistic, and open minded. So that you get your subconscious mind to bring you exactly what you want.  Scientists have proven that people who are optimistic and positive have better luck. They also did better in life. And those who are negative or pessimistic have more bad luck, and struggled in life. A group of researchers recently found the following:
Those who are optimistic and positive and  believed they were lucky... enjoyed life, earned more money, were in stable jobs and relationships, had things go their way more often, won contests and prizes and were generally lucky - things just worked out for them. Those who had a negative attitude, were pessimistic and did not think they were lucky struggled with money changed jobs more often had poor relationships.
Science has proven that you do create your own luck. When you're positive, optimistic and believe that good things happen - you'll enjoy life have more success, make more money and you'll be happier. The choice is yours. Get rid of the negative thoughts. Start being more optimistic. Believe in yourself. Believe that things will work out. Direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you exactly what you want. Put an end to the negative thinking that's destroying your life.
How to bring out yourself out of your pessimistic thinking that you are unlucky is very easy. First, you will have to give your pessimistic thinking by concentrating upon those past acts and results which had brought out positive effects upon you, your prosperity and happiness. You need to analyze why those good times got lost. You will have to motivate yourself. Please remember when you are in bad times as you feel, none other than yourself will motivate you.
What do you mean with motivation? It is a psychological feature that arouses an organism to act towards a desired goal and elicits, controls, and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force; a psychological drive that compels or reinforces an action toward a desired goal. For example, hunger is a motivation that elicits a desire to eat. Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas.
Second, you need to distress yourself. If stress is over your mind, you can not bring any positive solution into your mind. This too makes you unlucky to your prospects. Julie is a manager in a high-volume call center, and her job is very stressful. She interacts every day with angry, upset customers, she needs to keep her team members calm and productive, and she has to meet tough customer satisfaction goals.
Despite these pressures, Julie is known for her professionalism and her composure. She's kind to everyone on her team, she stays cool in tense situations, and she makes good decisions, even when she's under pressure. Julie has mastered the art of surviving and thriving in a stressful role.
Many people experience stress in their jobs. You might feel stressed temporarily because of a project deadline, or because of seasonal fluctuations in your workload. Or you might experience long-term stress due to the type of work that you do, because of a difficult boss or co-worker, or because of office politics.
Job stress has a number of negative consequences that, if left unmanaged, can affect your health, productivity, well-being, and career. For example, a study has found that  professionals who work in high-stress environments are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and high cholesterol - all of which increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Long-term, unmanaged stress can weaken your immune system, it can cause chronic muscle pain or sleeplessness, and it can contribute to obesity. It can also lead to a number of psychological conditions, such as anxiety or depression, and it may cause relationship problems with others on your team. You may feel burnout which is a likely consequence of long-term job stress. Emotional exhaustion, lowered productivity, and higher absenteeism can all result from this.
Stress can cause severe health problems and, in extreme cases, even death. The strategies discussed here are for guidance only. You should take the advice of suitably qualified health professionals if you have any concerns over stress-related illnesses, or if stress is causing you significant or persistent unhappiness.
Why You Should Control Stress
There are many good reasons why you should control workplace stress. You'll be more productive and creative at work, you'll have better relationships with family and colleagues, and you'll produce higher-quality work. You'll also be healthier and more energetic as a result.
When your job is stressful most of the time, stress can have a negative impact on your health and productivity. There are many warning signs that you're experiencing high levels of workplace stress, including:

·         Frequent headaches/muscle tension.
·         Persistent sleeplessness.
·         Ongoing irritability.
·         An upset stomach.
·         Low morale/depression.
·         Prolonged difficulty concentrating.
·         Weight loss/gain.
·         Continued loss of interest in work or hobbies.
·         Social withdrawal.
Let's look at several ways that you can manage the stress in your role and bring about luck in your life.
Identify Causes
Before you can wish for luck, you first have to know what causes you to be unlucky. Perhaps it may be result of your over stressed working or stress due to no work at all or unsatisfactory working conditions. 59 percent of professionals report a heavy workload as their leading cause of stress. There are other common causes too which may bring about stress over your mind and finally, you may get depressed and feel unlucky. Some causes of stress include:

·         Workplace pace and unrealistic deadlines.
·         Persistent bullying and abuse.
·         A difficult boss or colleague.
·         Long work hours.
·         Poor management.
·         A lack of autonomy.
·         Poor work/life balance.
·         Meaningless work.
·         Career concerns (no upward mobility, or a lack of job security).
·         An unhealthy work environment.
·         A lack of resources.
Keep a diary to understand what causes you to feel stress or unlucky in your job. Once you've identified the factors that contribute to this status, you can then take appropriate steps to manage them.
Think Positively
Your attitude plays a major role in your level of luck, no matter what kind of work you do. You can choose to approach tasks, responsibilities, and people with a negative attitude or you can choose to approach your work and relationships with a positive mind-set. Although the amount of work is the same, the impact on your health and well-being is profound.
Positive thinking acts as a stress buffer. Whenever you catch yourself slipping into a negative frame of mind, make an effort to think positively instead. This might mean challenging your negative thoughts with rational, fact-based thinking, or using affirmations to boost your self-confidence. It will definitely bring luck to you.
Calm Down
Stress can often cause you to stop breathing for several seconds, even though you may not realize it. When you're feeling stressed, practice deep breathing exercises. Deep, slow breathing floods your body with oxygen, slowing your heart rate, relaxing your muscles, and helping you focuses. You might also want to practice yoga or meditation after work, both of which are effective methods of managing stress.
Frequent daily breaks and regular vacations are also important for reducing work stress. Even a long weekend can help you de-stress after a tough week. When you do take a break or go on vacation, leave work at work; taking a "working vacation" or constantly checking email while you're gone won't give you the time that you need to rest and recharge.
Manage Your Time
Your job might be stressful because of your workload or project deadlines. You can lower your stress levels and improve your productivity by learning to manage your time and priorities more effectively.
Distractions in the office can be a major source of stress. These distractions can come from well-meaning colleagues, from constant phone calls or emails, or from general office noise. Minimize distractions by closing your office door for short periods of time, by turning off your phone, or by listening to white noise to drown out people's conversations.
Regular exercise is one of the best ways to manage a stressful job. Daily exercise helps you cope with stress; it also boosts your memory, creativity, IQ, and productivity.
You can fit exercise into your schedule in many ways. Wake up earlier and exercise before work, take a walk on your lunch break, or use a standing desk while you're at work. Remember, any additional movement will help you manage stress and live a healthier life. Take frequent breaks to move around and let your mind rest. Try taking several five- or 10-minute walks during the day; it might not sound like much, but this exercise and fresh air will give you time to rest and recharge.
Manage Priorities
Conflicting priorities can be a major source of workplace stress, especially when you have to push important work aside to focus on less important, but urgent, tasks. You also need to choose the right tasks to work on. Some tasks require a lot of time and energy, yet they have a low impact, while other tasks have a big impact, but require little effort.
If you're working on a project that seems overwhelming, break it into smaller steps. This allows you to accomplish one thing at a time, instead of trying to take everything on at once.
Increase Autonomy
Autonomy is the freedom to decide how to accomplish your work. Professionals who work in roles with low autonomy often experience more stress and dissatisfaction than those with greater autonomy.
Speak with your boss about your current goals or projects. Where appropriate, ask for the freedom to choose how you accomplish these goals. This could include working from home one day a week, or choosing who you want to work with on your next project.
Assess Resources
Look at the work that you do. What are your biggest frustrations? Where are your bottlenecks? Where are you most inefficient? These situations often point to a lack of training, tools, resources, or help - all of which can contribute to workplace stress.
Make a list of what you need. Let your boss know what you're lacking, and explain how these items will help improve your productivity and effectiveness. If your boss can't provide the resources that you need, think about how you might be able to negotiate for them with others, or acquire them on your own.
Find Meaning
What do you love most about your job? What gives your work meaning? These questions might sound simple, but they're important. If you know what gives your work meaning, it will help you manage the stress that goes along with it.
Everyone experiences the feeling of being lucky or unlucky from time to time when there is some result favorable or unfavorable  But that is the result of your efforts only. If due to wrong results, you get stressed, you need to shelf out that feeling first to bring about luck in your life. The opposite feelings that is you are unlucky may create stress in your mind and long-term stress can lead to a number of health problems, including high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. It can also contribute to heart disease, obesity, anxiety, and depression. To overcome, you need to recount yourself and feel lucky even in the beginning by mentioning to yourself that you are going to win in your efforts.
Be Happy – Be Lucky.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Be Happy – Transcend Your Poverty Consciousness Forever.

We know that everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence. After every night, there is a day. At the end of a tunnel, you usually find a ray of light. If for some reason, you find yourself to be in mid of many troubles, that does not mean that those troubles will remain always there. Sometime, troubles make you aware of the circumstances why they have come about, if they are there in result of your wrong decisions and/or you have mismatched your resources with your targets.
Similarly, poverty is a choice that we make everyday without our active knowledge.  It's the choice to be uncreative, feel limited in resources, thinking inside the box, smaller than life, deeply powerless, incapable of receiving love, and not believing that anything is possible.  Poverty thinking is a disease and an unconscious choice that is based in the ignorance of our true power.  This unawareness is the one deciding factor as to whether someone continues to remain broke and struggling for another year, or starts to shift their energy into receiving a new source of income next week.
The moment you choose to believe in any poverty based thought, you start thinking more small, limited and negative thoughts about life.  It has a snowball affect to it, where you begin to attract more limiting thoughts based in that misunderstanding.  When negative thinking becomes your habit, you begin to invent thoughts that support your old poverty minded thoughts.  The repetitive cycle of poverty thinking is a social disease that festers and feeds upon itself. 
Every time we identify with the poverty mindset in other person who thinks there is "not enough", we slowly inherit and mirror their disease.  By accepting the limiting beliefs of others, we forget our original abundant nature, and stop realizing who we really are, are all-powerful beings.  The moment we can understand the foundational lie that poverty is based upon, and take full responsibility for the suffering we are creating through our choices, then we can begin choosing a new path and acting from a new mindset to create a new world.
It's good to know that poverty thinking is not our original nature. Our real inherent nature has no boundaries or limitations on what is possible and what isn't. This original abundant mind is something we were born with, and is rooted in knowing that we are all absolutely loved, free and totally abundant.  Poverty consciousness is a limiting mindset that was inherited by your community in order to be accepted, fit in, and welcomed into the social norm. We often would rather be accepted by others than seen as an outcast who is believing they are bigger, better and richer.  If your friends, family and community never had any poverty thoughts on any level, you wouldn't have it either.  You would only know how to be creative in ways where you'd think anything is possible, and know deep down that abundance was your birthright.
When I connect with people who are struggling financially, I always find there is one thing they have in common. They all continuously choose to support their old limiting thoughts and negative beliefs around money.  Rather than actually doing something radically different and exciting to move through them, people live and hide underneath their excuses.  They become cowards to discovering their real power, hiding behind their pride, rather than revealing and healing their feelings of fear, self-judgment and financial intolerance. Each time their mind unconsciously creates this pattern of choosing a desperate needy response to life.  The habit becomes so natural that they have to something very radical to alleviate this perpetual addictive state of financial frustration.  They have to accept the fact that they are following their old excuses, and now choosing to live a life that is continuously moving through the fear.
Remember, the impoverished mindset is one that continuously resists fear, controlling the emotions and creating distractions so they do not have to feel their fear.  This type of controlling energy tends to say NO to life, denying new ideas, opportunities and people.  It abides in a feeling there is never enough to go around, and we must compete, suck it up, and live a life of compromise if we are to survive.  It thinks you must stick to doing your duty, live in obligations, always work hard, struggle to survive, and not think too big just so we don't upset others.  It's in this very uncreative approach to life that people escape from their true power and get to be irresponsible for their real life purpose which is to know themselves. 
Poverty thinking is the one disease that can completely destroy the great potential of love and joy your life contains.  People continue choosing to play small, helpless, lazy, abandoned, unloved and unwanted because there's nothing they can do about it and it is their "destiny".  It's actually a very selfish self absorbed way to live, never considering how to help out others, and thinking only of yourself and how your desires, wants and needs are not quite fully met.  Poverty consciousness is perhaps the most unconscious, self destructive and addictive pattern that people have which will ruin their chances at enjoying their life. 
The poverty mindset can be brilliant in the way that it will rationalize things, thinking that by consuming fewer resources we are thus helping the world out and saving our planet.  By spending less money we become wealthier and less dependant on money or the world for our survival.  Of course, there is a grain of truth in everything, and the best path is to create a world of total sustainability within a conscious loving lifestyle.  Yet the intention of holding back out of fear and not fully honoring your true power is the greatest loss of all.  If you're constantly holding tight onto money, you're creating struggle and strive within yourself and always feeling that you don't have enough.  This manifests in many forms, one will show up as your inability to contribute your full unlimited unbounded joy into your community. You cannot show up for a wild free abundant loving life purpose if you are holding tight onto anything and living in fear on any level. 
The feeling of being poor is so terrifying for some people that every thought and action becomes about avoiding that experience. Many people in this world choose to become insanely rich based out of their deepest fear of being broke.  This avoidance however morphs into another type of poverty consciousness, as it never allows the mind to relax and rest into its divine original nature.  Any type of non-relaxed fear based thinking is going to have a feeling of poverty connected to it on some level.  Be aware that poverty consciousness is a very sneaky beast and it can show up in your life in a large variety of forms.  It may be as obvious as feeling you don't have enough money to pay your rent each month, the paranoia that someone may rip you off, the idea that there is only one soul mate in the world for you, or the idea that you have to eat everything on your dinner plate, even if you are not hungry.  Just know that if any thought is formed out of fear, it is based in some level of poverty thinking.
The first step to transcending poverty consciousness is to find out exactly where it is showing up in your life and in your thinking.  It is only through the awareness of these negative thoughts that you can liberate your mind from repeating them.  The moment a limiting thought flows through the brain you must step back from it, see it from a distance, and don't emotionally buy into the story that accompanies it.  When you are able to identify exactly where, when and how you emotionally fall into your poverty stricken belief system, then you have a chance at moving beyond it.   Yet, you must keep a very close watchful eye on poverty thinking if you're ever going to get beyond it.  When you can see how you justify being stuck, poor, or happily struggling then you'll be able to find a way to invent a new story about how good it feels to no longer live in a world filled with excuses. 
People often tell themselves that its easier to remain stuck in just having enough to survive, than to own up to the fact that they are a super powerful manifesting being who can have anything they desire.  If they owned that empowering thought, it would either mean their whole life was some sort of failure or they were a completely stupid and ignorant person.  So people make up all sorts of wonderful "feel good" stories about their poverty, saying that it is more holy to be poor, or its not ok to take "too much" and this takes up their energy for remembering we have an infinite supply of creativity, love, energy and consciousness available.  These are the ingredients which actually create money! 
 Living in poverty consciousness is living a lie, based in deep denial to knowing the magical manifesting potential energy inside you.  The consequences for continuing to believe in such a deep misunderstanding are the experiences of struggle, pain, desperation, and lack.  The more money you feel you don't have the more busy you become to fulfill this need.  Poverty thinking creates an energetic distraction from knowing your intimate connection with the source. The mind is obsessed with being right, and for it to admit how its choosing each day to remain stuck manifesting more poverty stricken situations, would completely destroy it.
No matter how rich or poor you are (even if you're a gazillionaire) the ego/mind will be addicted to wanting more.  It will always tell you that you need more and no matter how hard you try, you can never completely satisfy the demanding desiring ego. Its purpose is wanting, wanting, wanting and wanting more wanting!  This incessant wanting creates the feeling of poverty.  So it is important to remember that our ego is not designed to know what true satisfaction is, this is the purpose of the soul and discovering your spiritual nature.  The mind doesn't have the time to be curious about this divinity inside you.  It wants you to believe it is a lie, and that you need more stuff if you ever want to be happy. This lie that more things equals a better life is very deep, and if accepted over time it may cause you to lose sight of your source of true happiness, which is in your life purpose and spiritual nature.
To completely break away from poverty consciousness you simply have to commit your life to a new way of being.  You have to totally retrain your brain to believe that anything is possible.   Perhaps the most hidden secret to transcending poverty consciousness is also the most powerful one which is this.  Ultimately, when we can truly relax into the core of our worst feelings of poverty, the peace found in that relaxation contains an unstoppable resource of abundance, love, healing and creativity inside it.  It is only through facing our fear that we can be released from it.  What happens this is we find a state of total emptiness inside that also contains our greatest fullness.  We do nothing and merge with everything. 
It comes down to dropping out of the head and into our heart, that we finally relax, and discover the natural state of abundance inside.  The heart contains the greatest freedom that is truly freeing and life enriching.  The feeling of great abundance naturally comes when you live from the heart and abide in feelings of gratitude that are already there. Check it out and see for yourself!  Imagine what would your week be like if you lived from your heart, and only practiced gratitude for the life you already have?  It is first through accepting the idea that you are enough that can later manifest into the experience of having enough.  If you're thinking for one minute about what you don't have, it means you've missed 60 seconds of feeling loved, rich, and abundant about what you do have.
Poverty thinking is a cheap way of getting scraps of love, which ultimately end up costing everyone in the end. It can be very enticing to stay in as other people around you don't want to leave their habits, and thus will give you tons of extra sympathy when you're broke and struggling in the dirt with them. It is all about believing in the lie that you are not an all powerful manifesting being that creates all suffering.  This lie is the greatest sin one can ever make.  It is the original missed mark of mankind, and is causing you to miss out on the deep source of joy that is at the core of your being. You need to revamp your attitude and mould it towards becoming a rich person as to how you would deal with yourself, others and judicious treatment of your resources without being jealous with other’s progress. You need to learn how the other one got success while you had the same set of circumstances around you. If you lack something, you must try to gain that and you will transcend your poverty consciousness soon.
Be Happy – Transcend Your  Poverty Consciousness Forever.  

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Be Happy – We Need To Change Our Attitude.

It is human psychology that we prefer pleasures. But it is a known fact that almost every pleasure seeks some sacrifice unless that is bestowed upon us by some divine power. When we find ourselves in chilling winter, we hear, “It's Freezing! When will it be summer?" To our children, we try to explain that winter is just one of our seasons, and soon enough summer will arrive. They may not get convinced easily and perhaps may add, “But it is freezing cold. There's snow and ice everywhere. We can't even go out to play it is so cold." Since we know their innocence and our duty to quench their curiosity, some time we have to say, "We just have to enjoy the cold and wait for summer. It will get better." They may not understand that they have to go through winter and spring before summer arrives. They just knew it was cold and thought it would be that way forever.
They don't realize that it will get better, it will get warmer and they will get to play in the park again. They just know today is cold, yesterday was cold and for a while they haven't been able to play on the monkey bars in the park. And they want to know why it isn't summer. We all want things to get better now. You want certain things to get better in your life right now and you can get what you want. If things aren't going the way you want think of it as your winter period. It will get better, it won't stay this way forever, but first you have to create the changes you want.

During winter, it seems like nothing is growing or improving. But deep underground, the roots of trees, plants and grass are all getting their nourishment, and storing what they need to sprout in spring. And just like nature is constantly at work, you're always feeding your subconscious mind. You're either giving it the nourishment and information it needs to make your life better, or you're giving it the wrong information, the kind that makes your life harder.
If you want to enjoy greater success, if you want to make more money, meet the right person, get a better job, make the right choices, then you have to give your subconscious the right information. You have to feed your subconscious mind and inner powers the nourishment they need to bring you what you want. Just like mother nature is always at work, always giving us what we need at the right time, your subconscious and inner power are also constantly at work. Your subconscious and inner powers are always creating and shaping your life. You don't see them actively doing this. They just work quietly in the background. They create and shape your life based on what you feed them and how you direct them.

If you wanted to have a beautiful looking lawn, flower or vegetable garden you would have to take care of them. You'd have to give them the right combination of  food, seeds, water, and nourishment. You'd also have to spend plenty of time removing the weeds, and getting rid of any unwanted plants that could destroy your garden. This all takes time and requires patience. But with the right techniques and by doing the right combination of things you'll see the payoff within a few short months. You may not be a gardener, you may not even have a garden, and you may never want one. But you do have a mind, a subconscious mind and you  have your inner powers. You need to feed them the right information (food), nourish them and constantly give them the right direction (like water to a garden). Then you have to be patient, continue working, continue applying the right techniques and continue doing the right combination of things.

When you will continue to hammer upon something, one day you'll see the payoff. It all requires practice and discipline. So today think about what you want in a few short months. Now begin directing your subconscious mind and your inner powers by giving them the right information and the right directions so that you get what you want in those few short months You know, Nature is very powerful.  It can be very kind or it can be very destructive. Your subconscious is also very powerful. It can be very kind or it can make your life very difficult. While you can't control nature, you can control and direct your subconscious mind. This gives you tremendous power. Your subconscious and inner powers create your life based on your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes. When you have a garden filled with weeds you have to remove those weeds or they'll choke off all the wonderful plants, flowers and grass in your beautiful garden. If you take too long to remove them, they get stronger and they get harder to remove.

Negative thoughts, negative beliefs and a negative attitude are the weeds of the mind. If you don't remove them they'll choke off and destroy all that is good in your life. The longer they stay in place the harder they are to remove. But you can get rid of them. You can remove them. No matter how long those negative thoughts, negative beliefs, and negative attitudes have been on your subconscious mind you can get rid of them. The sooner you start the better. And you get rid of them by thinking about what you want and giving your subconscious mind new instructions, new thoughts, and new beliefs all of which lead to a new attitude.
Once those new thoughts and beliefs are planted on your subconscious you'll begin to see dramatic changes. Like spring, it will be a new beginning and a new awakening. You have the power to create and change your life. You have the power to get exactly what you want in life.That power is your subconscious mind. If you're not getting what you want, If you're not making enough money, If you're not in the right relationship, If you can't meet the right people, If things just aren't going the way you want. It means that you're not giving your subconscious mind 
the right information and you're not giving it  the right nourishment. You also have too many weeds on your subconscious and you need to get rid of those weeds today. 

You need to start using your power, begin creating exactly what you want, get your subconscious and your inner powers working for you today and get rid of the weeds that are destroying your life. How? It is quite simple. This can be done by you very easily.
You may ascertain your targets, identify your resources, chalk out your time-bound programme to achieve it, start working on it and continue till you achieve your targets without relaxing even for a minute.
Today in the era of global economical liberation, we find that at one hand, we are seeing growing needs and fatty pockets and on the other hand, we see recession and deaths due to unemployment etc. A great imbalance! Some countries have sufficient resources of raw materials but they do not have skills to exploit them to their benefits. Some other countries good market but lack infrastructure to move further.
All this is due to lack of proper management. Some time it happens due to the attitude of those who are supposed to manage them. Somewhere it is due to the working of the politicians who make and/or modify the laws to suit their specific needs. Somewhere, the bureaucrats are there to interpret the laws to meet their corrupt working. Sometime, some judicial officers work with a prior mind set-up. Not only these pillars of the democracy, sometime media, generally in private sector, also create hype in respect of a particular story as they might be doing in form of paid agents. The government media persons tell what the Government needs to be highlighted and sometime, the truth gets hidden.
In the global liberation created by fast moving communication and transport systems, we need to change our attitude to adjust with the new equations and try to reduce the opportunities of corruption in our practice. Once we do, we can ask other one to follow the same practice. If that one does not change, we can take the shelter of law to enforce our rights. But we need to perform our duties first. We need to change our attitude first, then to seek happiness for ourselves and others too.
Be Happy – We Need To Change Our Attitude.