Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Be Happy – Adopt Spirituality

Whenever we get ourselves tired with our routine life – like getting up in the morning, taking bed-tea, some exercise, some break-fast, going to our workplace, doing assigned jobs, taking mid-time meals/snacks, again resuming work, coming back to home, taking dinner and going to bed to take rest for next day working, we feel to question ourselves what the purpose of life is. If we loose our job, we feel deserted, depressed and out of distress, these questions become more important, more disturbing and more difficult. What is of real value in our lives? If there truly is a God who loves us, how could there be so much suffering and unfairness in the world?
In such circumstances, we tend to get answers through our religious channels. They try to lead us to some destination but not the eternal peace as still our mind rests within the material world around us. This material world creates a lot of problems due to our insecurity, due to our financial problems, due to our emotional attachments and many other things. Religion serves us best as a vehicle to nourish our mind-set, but not for everyone. Every one has different bringing-up, different cultural values and some time, some of us may like to reject religion in order to escape what they consider to be oppressive rules and regulations. In the process, they may lose the great gifts of joy and compassion. When they witness the grief of being ill, grief of being old, grief of being poor, grief of being deserted and/or other pains, they go in depth to know what is the ultimate as such sufferings can come to any one whether he/she is a celebrity or a rich person. They get isolated and try to get answer of their problems.
As deeper they go in search of answer, they would conclude that it is a mortal world around them. Factually when we keep ourselves too busy to consider the purpose of our existence, our lives cease to have meaning. Part of our addiction to our superfluous busyness is an attempt to prevent ourselves from thinking about our mortality, the inevitable fact of our own death. But this is the point at which we begin to enter into and learn about the spiritual dimension of our humanity. Strangely, it is only when we fully accept the reality of our mortality that we truly begin to live. And we begin to feel the sense of spirituality.
Spirituality lies beyond the material world, beyond what can be measured or counted. It is made up of the inner life, the realm of belief, mystery and faith. And yet for all the mystery that surrounds it, spirituality is vital to our well-being. It is the foundation of our most closely held values, the seat of our trust and hope. Spirituality brings purpose and meaning to life, and as we develop it we grow in wisdom and love. We begin to experience a sense of awe, a sense of connection to all of life and a deep reverence for the Divine. We find ourselves moved to prayers of gratitude and moments of spontaneous worship. Spirituality calls a human being to a life of trust and service. When our spirituality is nurtured and vibrant, we are connected. This connection is both a sense of relationship to the Creator, Great Spirit, or God (Divine Force), as well as a relationship to all people and to Earth giving environment to our life. Spirituality takes us beyond our ego-centered lives by expanding our hearts with compassion towards all.
Spirituality forms the framework of life; it does not dwell in a realm apart. It is not an extracurricular activity. Spirituality involves a reverent attitude towards all things because it awakens us to a divine presence in all things. In this way of seeing and being, all things and persons are interconnected and interdependent. For this you need not to strict to a particular religion. A person may experience spirituality without being a member of any specific religious affiliation, and even the most religious person may feel spiritually bereft. The true purpose of religion is to enhance spirituality through ritual practices. This is accomplished when a person approaches his or her religion as a way to enter the great mystery, to become aware of the sacredness of all life. Religion can become a barrier to spirituality when it insists on narrow, judgmental dogma, and estranges its followers from a sense of connection with the Divine.
It is possible, however, to get too caught up in the religious practices, while losing sight of the destination, humanity which is communion with the Divine and compassion for all. For modern, academically oriented professionals, like physicians and health care workers, spirituality is often a difficult subject. Our mind-set is framed by science. We depend on logical, analytical, and rational approaches, and for good reason. These approaches have successfully ushered in a host of life-changing improvements in health care and technology. While honouring science and the mind, our cultural tendency urges us to devalue belief and mystery, but the result is costly: we are left spiritually starved and out of balance.
Believe me, we are not physical beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a physical experience. Our spirituality is our true essence. It is that part of our life which relates to our soul, which from a spiritual perspective is connected to the divine and is infinite.
We must recognize the fact that we are mortal and one day, we will have to leave behind whatever we are amassing, whatever we are trying to gather whether that is genuine or not genuine, lawful or unlawful. But what would remain there left after we expire, that would be our good work, our sense of social welfare and our acts to have done that welfare for common cause. It is prudent to live comfortably but not on the other’s cost. We must earn ourselves genuinely and God will bless us with all the pleasures what we actually deserve. If we observe that some one has committed some wrong with us, we need to go through the reasons why that happened with us – may be that wrong is due to our own fault. If we were not on fault, law is there, God is there to reprimand the wrong. God will bless him accordingly. God seeks us also not to let wrong be committed with us without our fault. We must do our best to keep ourselves right for the sake of humanity. We must feel that if we inflict any grief to any other one, what we would feel if that happens with us. We take an oath that we won’t do any wrong. We must love those who love us. We must hate the wrongs but not the wrong-doers. We must find out why the wrongs are being committed and how they must be improved not to do again and others may not copy them. For that we can join hands with those who are already in the field. If we do not find any one, we can lead ourselves. If each of us corrects ourselves, the earth would become heaven and the society will improve itself. We would be happy for ever. It would be real spirituality.
Be happy – adopt spirituality in your acts.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Be Happy – The Present Recession can be a boon To You.

Generally, in terms of Science of Economics, we term a recession is there when a general slowdown in economic activity is seen in a country over a sustained period of time. During recession, production, employment, investment spending, capacity utilization, household incomes and business profits fall drastically. The badly affected industries try to make a balance of their financial viability by cutting off the salary and wages, shutting down their production units or putting a short break to avoid pile-up of stocks etc. In this process, many jobs are put to an end suddenly putting the concerned families to the brink of hunger. To save the economy, governments usually respond to recessions by adopting expansionary policies, such as increasing money supply through increased government spending/subsidies, special assistance, as bail-out packages, to those industries that may help to regain the economic health and decreasing interests/duties and taxation.

Most economists believe that recessions are caused by inadequate aggregate demand in the economy, and favor the use of expansionary economic policy during recessions. Some of them would favor the use of expansionary monetary policy, while others may advocate increased spending by the government to spark economic growth. Some economists may suggest tax cuts to promote business capital investment. But those economists who favor Laissez-faire may simply recommend that the government not interfere with natural market forces. But the Governments have to come in the picture to save those families who are affected badly with the downturn of the economies.
Today, the world economies have been so dependent on each other that the impact of recession in US is well experienced in India and China too. Most of the States are doing their best to save themselves, sometime adopting too protectionism, as an insidious evil. It is equally dangerous. For global stability, it is essential that self-interest by them should be put aside at the earliest. A failure to do so and reach common agreement risks plunging the world into prolonged recession. The Great Depression appears to have extended due to a 1933 meeting of nations failing to adopt a co-operative approach. Instead it ended in recriminations which led to protectionism. This way, history is reminding us of the consequences when nations fail to work together. All the Governments are under obligation to do every thing possible, more cooperatively with each other, to ameliorate the effects of the global recession since no nation can deal with this crisis on its own and risk increased social and political unrest in developing nations. The effectiveness of every Government's domestic action to deal with the financial crisis depends on the recovery of global growth. Unemployment now stands at its highest rate since 1983, and February was the third straight month that payroll job losses exceeded 600,000.
For reducing the impact of the recession, some governments are hostile towards economic stimulus packages, whereas some others are endorsing as part of the approach to the global financial crisis. It is estimated that the stimulus packages around the world so far had spared 19 million people from the unemployment queue. The IMF said the actions had been 50 per cent more successful because they had been coordinated. It appears that some countries would do more as required. They need to allow further stimulus, purging toxic assets from banks, support developing countries by enhancing the resources of the International Monetary Institutes and ushering in global financial regulation and strict monitoring of hedge funds.
But we should not see towards the Governments every time for solution of our problems. We too need to come forward to cooperate it, to support it where it is proper track and to oppose vehemently if that is going wrong. Although today the global economy is somewhat better than during the periods of recessions history has so far witnessed earlier than the present one, spending on food accounting for a little less than a tenth of a typical family's disposable income wouldn't hit people in the stomach as it happened earlier when people were taking dried corn meant for animal feed out of the granary and sifting dirt out of it to make corn bread.
A study found that while women may be more vocal about their anxiety, men suffer more because much of their identity is tied up in their job. Not only do men worry more when they’ve lost their job, they are often are unable to feel mentally well unless the job they have is secure. At a time when no one’s job is safe, men are quite vulnerable to feelings of hopelessness. Unfortunately, if you decide you need professional help to cope with your feelings, you may have some difficulty getting it. So many people are seeking help that many therapists are finding themselves totally booked. Many employees are taking advantage of their benefits to get help dealing with their fear and sadness about looming layoffs. Sometimes these feelings express themselves physically, as fatigue, muscle pain, apathy, dizziness or stomach problems.
Some executives are taking the recession particularly hard. Facing staggering financial losses, they have turned to suicide. Why so? They must analyze if they have not taken necessary action before hand to do make advance planning for meeting such an eventuality/emergency.

Lower income affects relationship between a wife and husband. Many couples this year have had to cut back on the trappings of romance; but it isn’t so much the little stuff that matters. If there’s a lot of debt, tension and guilt can take over the relationship. Jim and Renee Fellows, who have been married for 20 years, could not go out for a romantic dinner this year’s Valentine’s Day. He lost his job three weeks ago as a manufacturing manager for Pearson Education, a job he held for more than a decade. Renee, who runs her own firm, called ClearPoint Marketing Communications, has seen her client load fall off recently given the economic downturn. The Fellows — who live in Derry, N.H., and have two boys, 11 and 7 — acknowledge the loss of Jim’s job is definitely creating some stress, but they’re determined not to let their marriage suffer. Taking lesson from them, it is advisable that there must be a continuance of the communication between both, involving each member of the family understanding deeply that it is not always diamonds and roses every time and that’s not what a marriage is all about.
This recession and the mass layoffs that have resulted may test even the best of marriages. When a spouse suffers a job loss, the strain on a marriage or relationship can cause not just financial but emotional problems as well. “The romance tends to go down the toilet, not just because of the financial stuff,” said Thierry Guedj, a professor and workplace psychology expert at Boston University. “People just aren’t in the mood to celebrate anything, whether it is Valentine’s Day or their own birthdays.” Some studies even point to a higher rate of divorce when one spouse, or even both, end up on the unemployment line. A British study released late last year by the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex found that couples who experience job loss are more likely to divorce within a year than their employed counterparts. Recessions tend to raise divorce rates. And this particular recession has begun wreaking havoc on wedded bliss. A number of couples worry about how they’re going to survive after a layoff or cuts in pay and bonuses, and many have allowed the worry to impact their relationships. It is an extreme for those couples who have already overextended with credit cards maxed out and big houses, and now, if one of them loses their job, there’s tension in unspeakable amounts.
To Relax
While the world seems to devolve into chaos, Forbes advises you to “pause but not panic.” Although there is plenty to worry about, dwelling on it is probably the least productive thing anyone can do. Making lightning decisions under pressure won’t help you; the best thing you can is take care of yourself so your choices come from a stable place. That means eliminating bad habits, including “gambling, substance abuse or over- or under-eating.” Replace them with meditation, exercise or activities you enjoy.
As it turns out while suicide rates do spike during the recession, so do exercise rates. So even though mental stability is a bit shaky, it turns out that people are a lot healthier. Fortunately, the endorphins one gets from exercise and choosing healthy habits may actually be valuable in combating depression.
Today's cutbacks would be for more discretionary purchases -- cable television, iTunes songs and restaurant meals. And there's plenty of room for trimming. This has a whole different feel for the people who have seen earlier recessions in their life time. But there would be a severe loss of the period of four or five years of sluggish growth, before the present youth.
To overcome the emotional depression created by the present recession, the youth need to work, work and work only. They must pursue their employers not to keep them out. Instead, they may afford a cut-down or freeze of their emoluments and with the reduced earnings; they would trim their lavish spending. It would be still better to have something than having nothing. Because you've no idea how good it feels to get up in the morning and realize that you don't have to fill your day with nothing in case you get in work after being unemployed for many months. Right now there are millions of workers in many parts of the world having to cope with this increasing unemployment problem.
You know the downturn hitting the economy can bring a "tsunami" of mental health problems with an increased incidence of depression, anxiety and suicide due to sudden unemployment. Unfortunately, in times like these, everybody looks at their financial situation and we are inclined to overlook the emotional damage, and the repairs that will be necessary.
In case you have got unemployed, you still have a chance to revive yourself by turning to those companies who are recruiting low-costs employees in place of their high-cost employees. You may give up your ego and go to them. It is important to distinguish between being sad, grieving and suffering from a depressive disease. Everyone has felt sad at some point. Your existence then seems sad and insurmountable and the future looks hopeless. It's natural to feel sad and melancholy when you experience adversity and loss like for instance in the case of an unhappy love affair, unemployment or bereavement. But when you are "naturally" sad, you don't come to a complete stop. You are able to take part in activities even though "your heart isn't in it". And when something good happens, you can still feel happy about it.
To be naturally sad is therefore not a disease. Sadness and bad moods will pass. Even if you are experiencing serious grief, it will affect you less with time. But perhaps your grief will never completely go away. You can do something yourself to help, and support from your family and friends will also help you. For you need to be with others and speak with other about your problems, in order to get better.
If the recession is causing you to feel increasingly depressed, you’re not alone; nor are you alone in seeking help. There are numerous ways to cope when your mood plummets alongside the economy, no matter how mild or severe your condition. The economic crisis isn’t doing anything to liven up people’s moods. In fact, the recession appears to be inducing emotional depression in a number of people, a state of being that makes it even more difficult to weather financial woes.
When your mood starts affecting your day-to-day functioning, it’s a sign of depression. That means that if you have trouble sleeping, concentrating or feel a prevailing sense of anxiety, you may want to seek professional help. You may also be able to get some relief just by talking to friends and family. Since everyone is experiencing the same thing, people may find consolation in the fact that they’re not alone. At the very least, it’s important to talk openly with your partner, since financial worries can damage your relationship.
Sometime some illness cures other one. Like during recession, you are taking healthier meals after a lot of their selection in financial terms because you would now like to get maximum productivity out of the minimum expenses. People actually eat healthier, overall, during a recession, and they are less likely to be obese. It may be that they eat more frequently at fast-food places than they do at expensive restaurants. At restaurants, they tend to choose fatty foods.
It has also been observed that people exercise more when times are bad. Partly, that's because they now have the time to take a run in the park. When you feel powerless, you want to control other pieces of your life, so you take steps to get healthier. A one percent increase in the unemployment rate reduces mortality rates by half a percent. Heart attacks decrease by slightly less than half a percent. Traffic deaths decline by 3 percent because fewer people are commuting and drinking is down. There are fewer smokers, too, which can have a big impact on mortality rates in the long term.
People are more likely to die of heart attacks on a Monday morning than at any other time, which suggests a connection to work. In a recession, deaths from flu and pneumonia go down, as do cases of acute medical conditions like back problems. Some of these are stress-related due to heavy rush of work which is lesser during recession.
During recession, you may undertake a variety of jobs which you can not imagine otherwise. The third person will also not be able to comment upon you as he already knows that you do not have any other alternative but to strike over the opportunity available and this can happen to him also any day.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Be Happy – Follow Your Instincts Judiciously

There is a proverb, “Troubles warn you in advance. It is you to identify their warning and prepare yourself”. Many times, we come to know about things that are about to happen to us. Surely, there is something within us to warn of impending danger. They are our instincts. How much do we trust our instincts?
We feel that emotion and intuition can not be separated. All of sudden, a particular date comes over our brain screen. That reminds us of loved ones and also of the emotions we felt towards those people. Definitely we would begin to fall for him or her. Intuition or instincts can be described as factors leading us almost to understand situation immediately. In fact, going with our instincts is a smart move only if we know it’ll be a win-win situation and we can handle the emotional repercussions.
Sometime we feel that whenever there’s something wrong about to happen, our brain sends a signal to us. We get a weird, nagging feeling. We just can’t seem to avoid our instincts. We examine the whole situation again with the new perspective and take action accordingly.
How accurate are emotional intuitions when making a decision? Intuition is best used as the first step in solving a problem or deciding what to do. The more experience you have, the more reliable your intuitions, because they arise out of the richest array of collected patterns of experience. Our instincts are not infallible, and at times it can let us down. We must examine the whole scenario afresh if our instincts warrant different action, since they originate from subconscious part of our brain also.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Be Happy – Value Your Time

It is a universal truth that nature has not granted eternity to any material thing on this earth. Every thing has got a definite span of life, passing through different stages like conception, birth, childhood, youth, adultness and old age and ultimately, that dies, that finishes, that looses utility in one form. When someone dies, we say that has expired or that has finished. It means that that has completed the life span. If someone expires before completing the stages, it means that nature had granted smaller span of life and completing the span that came to end. We can not do anything to enhance or shorten the time span except we can beautify our stay here. We can maximise the use of our time to the extent possible with our capacity.
In modern terms too, you know, in every corporate trainer’s armoury of lessons, time management occupies an important position. It is so because time management is a prized skill in organisations across the board. Those who are not expert in their time management skills have to face stress. To avoid such situations, computer-based tools are being used to alert them of their schedules again and again. In case you are able to use a couple of hours every week more productively, you would find a miracle change in your output.
We must value our time. For that, it is the perfect thing to do at the perfect time when it is inspired to be done. When it finishes serving its purpose, it is the perfect time for it to end. We notice that there was a time when it used to be a thriving business, environment or relationship and that is no longer as alive as before. You find that the people that are involved are starting to drift away as they lose interest in keeping it going. To keep up their interest, there must be something continued to keep them attracted. Sometime you feel that even your heart is no longer in it. Yet you still put energy into it because it will soon be gone if nobody tries to preserve it. But what makes you think that God wants you to preserve it? Maybe he wants it to be destroyed, so that he can create something new. You get confused whether the project you had started has any longer any worth. You need to value it again, you need to value your time afresh.
You may take it granted that what God wants you to do, He inspires you to create. There was something great that you were once inspired into creating. Once you had a lot of joy and fulfilment creating and experiencing its creation and continuance and in course of time, you feel that the purpose of creation has been solved, you start to loose the interest. It is the process of nature. You no longer feel the same way as before. Try as you might, you just no longer feel the inspiration that was there. You think that since God had led you to create it in the first place, he must want you to continue doing it. You try to revive the passion but that seems to take a lot of energy.
The truth is that it was good for that moment, but a new moment has come and so it is time for a new thing. Something may have been great when it started and continued to be so for a certain period of time, but when the time comes where it seems to die out, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t worth undertaking in the first place since didn’t last forever. It was the perfect thing to do at the perfect time when it was inspired to be done. When it has finished serving its purpose, it is the perfect time for it to end.
Nothing really goes away completely, it merely changes form. The effect of a previous work or experience will continue to be part of a new work or experience. Had it not been done in the first place, it would not have existed to impact the new work in profound and significant ways. There is nothing that is wasted or in vain. Any work that was done at a time when it was inspired to be created would have its place in influencing the universal scheme of things in eternity and everything else that is connected to it.
Since you know that God leads you by your heart’s desire, why are you hanging on to the relationship or the work that you heart is no longer in? It is because you are afraid to lose what you have. The truth is you are not losing anything at all. He wants you to move on to the next experience that will be even better than the one before. Let go of the relationship or business that you no longer desire to be a part of. Let go of the old to make way for the new. Learn to let go and you will always be abundant.
In every moment you are in, always allow yourself to be naturally driven in your actions. When you choose to be inspired or inspirit, you will always be guided as to when to do what. If you find yourself trying to keep something going when you are no longer inspired to do so, then you are trying to drive the process, rather than it may happen, you know it’s not going to work because it’s not required. Let things happen ‘through you’ rather than making things happen.
Do a project if that attracts you from all corners of viability. If you find somewhere lacking, you should give up as you may find not attached with its working. Don’t repent that you are giving up the project without finishing it. It is also possible that years later, you are again inspired to take up the project you previously created. That is when it becomes a mega success because it was the right timing. You could also have chosen to force yourself to follow through on the ordinary order of things even though you are not inspired to do so just because you think that is the way it has to be done.
Be happy - You need to value your time always. How best you can make it useful!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Be Happy – Believe in Yourself

It happens many times in our life that some matter is before us for consideration. We take up that matter and think over the same taking into account all the pros and cons and after some time, we decide to act upon, not to act upon or to take necessary follow-up action to reach to some destination. We may take a thought after due deliberations and attract it into our life with full sincerity! Believe me, our strong determination would not just pull us out of depths of despair and cure of diseases, but surprisingly, it may even influence our status by just believing in ourselves and reconsolidating our resources afresh and there would be a happy outcome!
When we focus on something, no matter what it happens to be, we are really calling that into existence – The Secret. If we think that our future will be good, and believe so, the optimism in us will do things to make it better. If something mishappens, we would definitely take it as a matter of chance and retry with more vigour as we think that our future is good. Take it granted that the like attract likes. Everything that’s coming into your life you are attracting into your universe. You are the most powerful magnet in the universe. . . so as you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you.
If you’re an optimistic, you’ll be thinking happy thoughts, your life will have happy moments. When you focus your thoughts on something you want, and you hold that focus, you are in that moment summoning what you want from the Universe. Never give up believing good things, it will happen to you. The energy of the good vibe translates into positive action. In life, you must be prepared to laugh off all negativity. It will help you to prepare to face the worst also, if somewhere you might have overestimated your resources. In that event, you would immediately proceed to review what had gone wrong and you may improve in your further process.
Latest studies on optimism show how optimists have more stable cardiovascular systems, more responsive immune systems than pessimists. They also have a stronger sense of self-efficacy. So they’re more likely to invoke healthier behaviours because they think they can make a difference. The new view of optimism theory says, that for optimism to have real impact on health and your work, you have to actively practice it in your daily life, merely thinking positive is not enough.
Being optimistic has long been considered an asset when battling an illness or overcoming an adversity. The patients heal faster if they have a positive attitude towards their illness. They want to walk again and don’t give too much attention to their pain. If a patient has courage and resolve, he’ll heal faster. This miracle happens.
Optimists aren’t just smiley-faced romantics. They’re realists who resolve to solve problems. Once a lady, known to me, was physically, emotionally and financially in “total despair.” She narrated to me that when her father died suddenly, she was worried about her grief-stricken mother. “I wept and wept and wept, and I didn’t want her to see me sobbing. But when I began to believe that my father won’t come back and I will have to stand at my own to care for my widow mother, I started attracting good things in my life. Miracles started happening, I Became healthier, richer and famous,” she says. “That was the beginning of new life for me”. She restarted her fashion designing work and today, she is the more rich and happy than she was before the death of her father.
If you believe the future will be good, you’ll persist though tough times whether you’re naturally cheerful or not. In a study, those graduates who were optimists at age 25, had better health outcomes for the next three decades. It is the act of engaging with the world, of taking concrete steps towards goals, that improves health. Grounded optimism gives the brain a built-in action potential: it replaces emotion with motion. Everything starts with one thought. Emotions are an outcome of our thinking. Every thought changes the chemistry of the body. To be considered an optimist you have to have a positive long-term outlook and some degree of hope for the future.
If a pregnant lady says “I’m very happy. I see a smiling baby everyday in my dreams. I tell myself, I’m healthy.” She gave a healthy normal delivery. If someone says, “I’m very nervous. I don’t know what will happen. Will I be able to tackle the pain of delivery?” There were some complications. These studies reveal that there is power in positive thinking. Optimists have less labour pains and few chances of miscarriage, it has been proved.
Optimism leads to increases well-being as it leads you to engage actively in life. Optimism is whether people will remain engaged in life after falling ill. If you have a disease, and focusing on it, talking to people about it, you’re creating more diseased cells. Tell yourself 100 times a day: ‘I’m fit, I’m healthy’. Say, ‘I feel wonderful. I feel good’. And give powerful images and energy to yourself to feel healthy.” The people to whom you say won’t dare to call you a patient, they won’t be able to discourage you if they had some enmity with you even.
Optimism has less to do with mood and more to do with persistence. We adopt negative beliefs and unfounded fears from the world around us. These become our invisible fences. We think they are real. You must question your invisible fences. You must bring some awareness to them. You will have to challenge them. You must pin them down. So that when one confronts you, rather than running away from it, you exercise the force of will and talent of heart to run through it. That is the meaning of true optimism. It’s not just in thought but in action too.
But how does optimism work? Ask someone who lost employment very recently. Things couldn’t get any worse. There’s no sorrow or despair beyond that for him/her. How does one remain an optimist? You can do by showing gratitude for the help you got during your employment. You will have to look at the brighter side of life. If you have the right spirit, life only gets better as perhaps the period until you get next employment can be a boon to you to review your abilities, to brush up them for new challenge, new avenues for employment.
Kindly take it granted that everything you focus on can have an effect on your life. All of that affects how we feel, and the feelings actually send out a wave into the universe, and anything that’s vibrating in a similar level gets attracted into our life. Most people focus on the bad and sad things. We talk about our current reality – ‘I’m in debt. I’m over-weight. I’m not happy, I’m sad’. And the more you think about that, the more you attract that (negativity).” For a happier life, you must work on how you can get happy.
Optimism means never having to compromise on your dreams. If one door closes, another door opens. You need to find out where that open door is present. You can only have one thought at a time. This is the key to feeling optimistic, enjoying your life, and fulfilling your vision for a delightful life. You only can keep one thought in you head at a time. So, what would your one thought be? Dwell on what you want to accomplish. Do not dwell on what you do not want. You must expect the best out of your resources. What are you thinking about? Do you have goal or an exciting vision for living your life? A man is what he thinks about all day long. Generally, as you begin your day or a project, you frame-of-mind proves extremely important.
For optimism, you will have to have strong imagination, strong determination. Wishy-washy people do not go very far. They get swayed by whatever crosses their paths. In contrast, the people who move mountains, people who get things done, are people who feel a profound sense of mission. They dive into their projects with gusto. Every highly successful person is a maniac on a mission.
If you adopt optimism in the very beginning of any project, your approach will serve your purpose to some degree. Now, you would have a tremendous opportunity to feel more confident and optimistic than you ever may have dreamed possible. You can unleash your energy and hone your focus on what you most want. Only optimist and persistent people achieve more than their less persistent colleagues and for becoming optimist and persistent, you will have to believe in yourself that you can do what you decide without caring for what the other people will say. Be Happy – believe in yourself.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Be Happy - Give Up Your Ego

We all live in some sort of Organizations which are made up of people. Your organization can be your family, your Office, your own company, your society, and your club, your sports team where you find some people working, playing, enjoying or sporting with you. Like you, every member of your team has his/her own goals, aspirations, concerns, experiences, and dreams. And each of us has an ego. The ego allows us to believe that we are capable of performing many tasks successfully. In all likelihood, our ego is what propelled us to a leadership position. Our great efforts and desire to succeed lead to major accomplishments and accolades.

When we do all this, we suddenly come across the paradox. Egos can vault us into a leadership position, because somebody else is also trying to occupy the seat of leadership. If you wish to be a leader, you must set your ego aside. Your ego can prevent you from being an effective and truly great leader. Before you became a leader, you likely operated as an individual contributor. You used your creativity and resourcefulness to meet objectives: a reduction of resources, an increase in quality, an increase in revenue or handling the general affairs smoothly. If you asked questions, they were about how you could accomplish a specific task. In general, however, your ego discouraged you from asking questions and disliked having to follow orders. Egos want to accomplish and achieve. And, egos crave recognition from others.

Every time you accomplished a task and met the objective, your status moved forward and your standing in the organization or community grew. With each accomplishment, your ego grew, too. Asking fewer questions and provided more answers. After all, with your success, others came to you as an oracle of information-perhaps even your boss or your boss’s boss. You do control. Your ego adds up to your esteem, you feel.

As a leader, we must relinquish control. We must shrink our ego and concentrate on our altruism. Our career advancement is no longer task oriented. Leadership is about allowing others the chance to achieve and flourish. Be sure, we can advance as a leader only when we place our employees’ egos above our own. The heads of many organizations are not able to do this. Their teams may still succeed based upon their drive for individual success, but they are not true leaders or one thing, their associates will not be inspired to reach their full potential because they know they will not receive full credit for their efforts.

So, as a leader, we should not lead with questions. Questions confer power and control to our associates. It allows their egos a chance to shine. And you, they, and the organization will all be better served. But Ego! That kills the basic initiative. Ego may tell you why you afford the submission; the concerned person may approach you. Actually, you believe that it seeks to please the id’s drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather than bringing grief, because the ego is not sharply separated from the id. Because your ego comprises that organized part of the personality structure which includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of the ego are conscious. The ego separates what is real. It helps you to organize your thoughts and make sense of them and the world around you.

Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives and reality while satisfying your id. Its main concern is with the individual's safety and allows some of the id's desires to be expressed. Defense mechanisms like denial, displacement, intellectualization, fantasy, compensation, projection, rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression, undoing, suppression, dissociation, idealization, identification, introjections, inversion, splitting, substitution and sublimation are often forcefully used by the ego when id behavior conflicts with reality and either society's morals, norms, and taboos or the individual's expectations through some one else’s expressions.

Literally, ego originates from the expression “I”. It denotes your own personality looking after your own interests, ignoring others. Ego development is known as the development of multiple processes, cognitive function, defenses, and interpersonal skills or to early adolescence when ego processes are emerged.

In modern-day society, ego has many meanings. It could mean one’s self-esteem; an inflated sense of self-worth; or in philosophical terms, one’s self. Ego is the part of the mind which contains the consciousness. It may mean a sense of self; however, he later revised it to mean a set of psychic functions such as judgment, tolerance, reality-testing, control, planning, and defense, synthesis of information, intellectual functioning, and memory. If we draw topography of our mind, we may find that generally ego occupies half of the space in the consciousness, while a quarter is in the preconscious and the other quarter lies in the unconscious segment.

Ego can be an impediment in your further progress and later on, you may repent on certain consequences why you did not give up your ego for a better gain. You need to examine each case on merit basis.

One day, ego gave me a lesson for the life. It was another fine morning as the previous ones. Again, I was to start with the daily chores. Suddenly, I found my snap in the news paper, more surprisingly, in the obituary column. It was strange to me. How? Before I called for my wife, I recollected that last night when I was going to bed I had a severe pain in my chest, but I could not remember anything after that, I had a sound sleep.

Next day, it was the morning already 10:00 AM, when I woke up and saw the newspaper. I noticed that I was late for all the chores. I found none to be there, where my dear wife, son and daughter were, I screamed. Some thing was imagined by me to have gone wrong in my family.

When I came out of my room, I found there was a crowd outside my room. Why were so many people crying? I felt hearing that I was a very good person …I was, I am no more, I am dead. But here I am very much present to see them crying. When I restored myself, I saw one body lying on my bed – its illusions were like mine. It appeared that they declared me dead. I gathered all of my energies and shouted that I was very much there. But none listened to me. My wife, my son and my daughter, my neighbors, my friends, all of them were pointing at the body on my bed. I had to come back to my bed room. “Am I dead??” I asked myself. I tried to come out and contact my family members in the crowd out of my room, some of them were in the next room, at open space, in the front lawn, in the back yard. Some were silent and others were crying… still trying to console each other. My wife was crying… she was really looking sad. My son and daughter were also crying. What happened? They could not ascertain how I could go without saying to them that I really loved them, I really wished to care for their needs. How I could go without saying to my dear wife that she was really the most loving and most caring lady in this world. I was just 51 years old. How soon I could forget her for her benign love. I needed to reassure her of my fidelity.

My family might be doing all this out of sheer affection with me. It appeared that they were afraid that after my death, their needs would not be suitably met with. No, I had already arranged necessary means to meet their needs. They did not need to look at me. But my friends! How could I go without telling them that without them perhaps I had done most of the wrong things in my life… thanks for being there always when I needed them… and sorry for not being there when they really needed me. Amongst them, I saw some charming person standing in the corner and trying to hide the tears… an old girl-friend, perhaps willing to join me in the youth. At that time, a small misunderstanding made us part, and we both had strong enough ego to keep us away. I went near to her offering her my hand, “Dear friend… I just want to say sorry for everything, we r still best friend, please forgive me.” She did not listen to me. She was weeping, her tears were flowing out unchecked but she was still preserving her ego, I said to her sorry… even then!!! My heart broke – perhaps she was on revenge. When I again thought, I felt that she was not able to see me. She did not see my extended hand. It appeared that I was really dead. I knew she had always welcomed my extended hand. After my marriage, she came to my home but without giving any opportunity to me to explain my position. This time too, she had done the same – she was not giving any opportunity. She did not listen to me.

OK. None of the people gathered at my residence listened to me. I thought I should go out. Before leaving the residence, I felt that I should take some books, some little bits to eat and some clothes – but when I tried to pick up, I could not do so. Perhaps, I lost my power to pick up. Why I quarreled with every one to preserve all these things which I was not able to enjoy after my death. I should not go out empty hands. But I was not able to take them along. Why the whole life my ego, my greed and my intention to keep the material things to my chest? Why?

I finally sat down near my body; I was also feeling like crying and asking God to give me some more days to enable me to give up my ego with my friends, with my girl friend, with my nears and dears to make them realize how much I loved them and I wished to give up my ego which made me away from them in the name of my over busyness. I repeated prayed to God to give me one more chance to hug my children, to say sorry to my friends for everything I have not given to them due to my ego. Then again I looked up and cried and shouted…. “GOD!!!! ONE MORE CHANCE PLEASE!” God is perhaps busy somewhere, I did not get response and started to weep. My tears were coming out and all of sudden my wife was there, “You shouted in your sleep, you are weeping. Did you have a nightmare?"

I was sleeping. That was just a dream, my lovely wife, my young son and daughter were there to hear me. I was able to restore my calm, at the happiest moment of my life. I hugged them all and reassured them of my love. I felt it that it was second chance given to me by God to give up my ego.“THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS SECOND CHANCE.”

So, Now it’s not late.. Forget your egos, past……….., and express your love to others………. Be friendly…………… keep smiling and be happy for ever…

Life is made of moments and sometimes a moment becomes life.... if your ego is not there. Examine it if your ego is of worth to retain – mostly that harms us. Be happy – give up your false ego.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Be Happy – Lead your life on tested principles

Believe me, people having some religious beliefs tend to be more content in life than those who lead the life without any principle. The religious people are better able to cope with shocks such as losing a loved one or getting laid off of a job. A Research analyzed a variety of factors among Catholic and Protestant Christians and found that life satisfaction seems to be higher among the religious population. It has also been concluded that religion in general, might act as a "buffer" that protects people from life's disappointments. Religious people suffered less psychological harm from unemployment than the non-religious. They have higher levels of life satisfaction. The religious people tended to experience more "current day rewards", rather than storing them up for the future. Previous studies have also found strong correlations between religion and happiness.

The idea that religion may offer substantial psychological benefits in life, is in sharp contrast with another common viewpoint that religion is repressive and has a negative influence on human development. Basically, they are found, indirectly defining code of conduct also and it is not necessary that a particular religion may have the same set of rules as another religion may have. All of them advocate in support of human welfare but with different tracks. There is more than one reason for this - part of it will be the sense of community and the relationships fostered, but that doesn't account for all of it. A large part of it is due to the meaning, purpose and value which believing in God gives you, whereas not believing in God can leave you without those things.

Non-believers can't just turn on a faith in order to be happy. If you find religious claims incredible, then you won't believe them, whatever the supposed rewards in terms of personal fulfillment. Happiness is an elusive concept, anyway – you may find listening to classical music blissful and watching football repulsive. It is your mood. Other people feel exactly the opposite. In the end, it comes down to the individual and, to an extent, their genetic predispositions. While no one would argue that genetics don’t influence one’s disposition, there are definitely other factors worth considering. A belief in God increases one’s feeling that life is meaningful.

It is notable that every religion teaches its followers how to lead their lives and how to behave with the fellow community. Some religions dictate their terms whereas some other is liberal in the working. A religious upbringing is more responsible for the effect, rather than any particular religious beliefs to be adopted by conversion as the practice of conversion amounts to the tactics of taking benefits of some of the provisions under the particular religion – the people converting may not have the true spirits and/or faithfulness with the new religion as the atmosphere in which he might have passed his childhood, comes forward from his unconsious section of the brain as and when there is an opportunity of recollection.

Fortunately, most of the people do not like fundamentalism heartedly; perhaps they do not express their opposition against some rituals outwardly due to the terror imposed by the fundamentalists. But they join the leader as and when they feel that now the majority has gathered to oppose and the terrorist would not be able to harm them individually.

That is why it is always an ideal situation that you may lead your own life on the tested principles, those principles which foster happiness amongst the fellow community, which do not like to impose the dictates on those who do not wish to follow, which may provide solace to the people in the hours of their grief, which do not curb the freedoms in the name of regulating and which are accepted by the people happily for the common good. If you are able to make yourself and your community happy, and those who are not amongst your known community but still wish to express solidarity with your working through the core of their hearts without any terror of any kind, you would be true happy and contributing to the human welfare truly and God will bless you with all His kindness.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Be Happy – Keep Your Mind Open

Imagine how your life could improve if you could shift your state of being, attitude and mindset gracefully and easily anytime you choose even during the period of recession all over the world. You know! Even this recession has come like a boon to many persons in the world around. The difference lies in the approach. Those who are active take up a silver thread out of the rugs before other do. Just you need to make up yourself for an early action.

I was attending a convention recently that I have been visiting for the last 5 years that has typically been excellent for my business. But this year as I stood sentinel in my chair I felt tired. People smiled and said hello as they walked by, but few were stopping to visit. I could not know why I am feeling so.

My insecurity activated my doubt and I began to wonder why I was there. The internal dialogue kicked in as I began to convince myself I should skip the rubber chicken dinner, retire early and think about cutting the trip short. Luckily, I was listening to my heart and mind and caught myself in the act. I asked myself why I was here to create or make happen. That answer was simple. My intention was to book business, I was to search out new associate, I was to strengthen my old contacts but since I felt little enthusiasm about this at the moment, I opened to an intention that would support me in this moment. I decided my intention to have fun and create business opportunities, but to put the emphasis on having a good time. And the belief I choose to use to reinforce this was, "I have fun wherever I go."

Within minutes a woman I knew for many years stopped by and we had a light hearted chat. Previously, we had not exchanged more than a few words, but the conversation was quite enjoyable. Then, out of the blue, she invited me to a karaoke party, explaining her earlier experience. Aligned with my new intention, I agreed to stop by.

I found a fabulous community of people who were laughing, singing and carrying on. I joined in for a few dances and a few gossips with those I never knew earlier except the gentle lady with me and honestly, this was one of the most fun times I ever had at a convention. And oh, by the way, that evening, without any effort whatsoever, I was booked for two big jobs with new clients, people I had never met before.

For the sake of change, we have to change. We must forget trying hard on the known stones. We must learn to shift on a dime by choosing to set empowering intentions and beliefs. We must give up our ego, “What will the other people say? I am doing such a petty job or I am meeting such lowly placed people for the sake of my work!”. No, they don’t have time to notice your work. They may do so if your work disturbs them or they see some benefits to get out of your working. Keep your mind open and I believe, this will support you in changing life or better yet, allowing life to shift around you towards new options – you need not to change your targets, you need to reconsider your strategy for your ultimate aim. If you do it, you would feel that now that's more powerful.

I may suggest you to choose an intention that will shift your reality including how you feel right now. You may decide the highest/best belief you could choose to support this new intention and allow the shift to occur. It may start internally as you notice you feel differently. Or you may notice it first around you as your circumstances or the people around you shift. Be happy and keep your mind open always.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Be Happy – Enjoy Your Achievements Fully

Generally, our desires denote two powerful motivations in life, we may acquire something and enjoy that thing to fulfil our desire. We want to acquire whatever we desire from the world and for that purpose, we invest our energies, our resources, our time and fix up our priorities. And once we acquire, we wish to enjoy what we have acquired. For instance, we build a house and would like to enjoy living in it with our family members. We prepare a tennis court and enjoy playing the game there.

Propelled by these two motivations – of acquisition and enjoyment – we crave to acquire and enjoy more and more in the world. But no one has found true happiness in mere acquisition or enjoyment. Yet the chase never ends. We work strenuously but get ultimately exhausted with our tiredness and become frustrated and unhappy.

The mind has a tendency to acquire, acquire and acquire – its list is endless. Even in the present, when the mind acquires the object of its desire, it pitches up something else. Its thirst for acquisition continues. The wealthiest man in the world wants more wealth. The most powerful seat seeks more power. The most beautiful lady wishes to be more beautiful – she undertakes a number of exercises, apply cosmetics, consults the experts and so on to keep up. All this despite knowing that on most accounts, the process of acquiring and enjoying these things only bring in their wake agitation and loss of peace of mind. And one day, every thing will whither away as nature warrants.

But the thirst can never be quenched by sheer acquisition of whatever the mind demands. Neither can the problem be solved by suppressing the desire for acquisition. However, there is no taboo to acquisition. You are advised only to control, to regulate the mind’s indiscriminate craving for acquisition.

The second motivation is the desire to enjoy what has been acquired. Here again, there is no objection to enjoyment. You are not to refrain from enjoying what the world offers you but to restrain, control your indulgence in them. You enjoy objects or beings only when you exercise voluntary regulation and moderation. Otherwise what you acquire loses its charm. You cannot enjoy it anymore. Unrestricted indulgence kills enjoyment.

In reality, there is no joy content in the objects and beings of the world. It is your willingness, it is your desire, and it is you who feels satisfied once an achievement is made against some desire. A couple in love enjoys the light of the full moon but the same light does not inspire some other person who might be some grief stricken. The couple might know that the moon does not have any light of its own – it is just reflection of the Sun light. But they enjoy it because they feel so, they take their surroundings as such. But, the source of light does not have any important role with the grief-stricken person. Their feelings are different on the same point of time. If you do not enjoy the achievement, you may not get conducive atmosphere for another target as your fellow persons may feel that you are a bored person.

Don’t equate yourself with others because an average person cannot be convinced of your pleasures. He equates enjoyment with the pleasure he gets eating ice cream or chocolate. How can he be convinced that other one will not find the same enjoyment as you would get in achieving something? It is an individual’s own measurement. Better, if you achieve something, you must celebrate the achievement and then, try to proceed on for the further target. You would be happy.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Be Happy – Manage Your Mind Carefully

Imagine, you are passing through a dense forest in a cloudy evening. Darkness is increasing every moment followed by thunders and storms. There is some lightening also. With the sounds, you get horrified but there is a ray of light also. The time you feel that this is not going to happen for a long time, you reconsolidate yourself and try to continue your march and you will get through. Believe me, in every difficulty, there is an opportunity. Life is really a choice… to be either wise, not wise or otherwise. This is you how you manage your life.

Once, a wise king met his master to seek his advice what to do if he might face a crisis in his life. The master gave him a locket and told him to open it only when he was in difficulty. After sometime, he was defeated in a battle and lost his kingdom. Feeling helpless, he went into a cave to hide. He suddenly remembered what his master had told him. He opened the locket and found a note therein, “Even this bad time will pass. If you find one door closed, search out another door, that is open awaiting for you”. He gained strength from this piece of advice and started to reconsolidate his energies and sources. After a month he won his kingdom back. He went to his master and thanked him and asked a question: “why does the door close?” “The door is always open, your mind is closed,” replied the master.

There are two types of worlds we live in. the visible world and the invisible world. You can call them as outer world and inner world. Our body is in this outer space but our mind is in another space. Just as our mind gets dirty if we are keeping our inner self into a dirty space. If you brood over worry, dislike, anger, jealousy, your mind is polluted. With such pollution, you find the outer world painful. The real pain is when our mind lives in negativity.

What type of world are we in? This is what one should really be aware of where we are placed psychologically what we have to watch for. One believes that the outer world is the real world and not the inner world of mind. For example, you are very happy that you are invited to a party where some celebrities are attending. Then, you see them attending. Here, you see them beautifully dressed. You may feel bad that you are not as rich as they are, you may feel bad that you are not a celebrity. Now tell me, what has impacted your life directly… the outer world or the inner world. It is your thinking.

When you don’t watch the mind, what happens? A negative system is created. When you dwell on the negative pattern, your jealousy creates a negative system. That system takes over and you lose control of yourself. It is as though you have installed a programme in your computer and when you open the computer, that particular programme opens up. Then, you get angry with the computer. What you have to realise is that it is not the computer, the source of the problem, it is how you have programmed it, is the problem.

Each time you feel negative, watch how you have programmed yourself. When the world outside is singing and dancing, in the morning sunrise and evening sunset, in the twinkling of the stars and the dancing wind, you feel negative and sick… It means that you are leading negative life. Kindly don’t create a negative system around you. Be happy – manage your mind carefully and adopt positive thinking, Assume it that whatever is happening, that is His Order and you are to comply with. Just, You need to remain active with positive thinking.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Be Happy - Avoid alcohol.

Medically it is advised that if you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. Alcoholic beverages supply calories but few nutrients Taking more than one drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men can raise the risk for motor vehicle crashes, other injuries, high blood pressure, stroke, violence, suicide, and certain types of cancer. Even one drink per day can slightly raise the risk of breast cancer. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases risk of birth defects. Too much alcohol may cause social and psychological problems, cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of the pancreas, and damage to the brain and heart. Heavy drinkers also are at risk of malnutrition because alcohol contains calories that may substitute for those in nutritious foods. Even a little alcohol exacerbates "inattentional blindness," a condition that makes it easy for you to miss something major (a deer) while you're concentrating on something else (a street sign). If adults choose to drink alcoholic beverages, they should consume them only in moderation—and with sufficient meals to slow alcohol absorption. But excessive alcohol consumption should never be afforded because it has been associated with high blood pressure and other diseases. It can create hangover also.

A hangover is characterized by the constellation of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms that occur after a bout of heavy alcohol drinking Alcohol Hangovers are a frequent, though unpleasant, experience among people who drink to intoxication. People experiencing a hangover feel ill and impaired. Although a hangover may impair task performance and thereby increase the risk of injury, equivocal data exist on whether hangover actually impairs complex mental tasks. Generally, the greater the amount and duration of alcohol consumption, the more prevalent is the hangover, although some people report experiencing a hangover after drinking low levels of alcohol (i.e., one to three alcoholic drinks), and some heavy drinkers do not report experiencing hangovers at all.

Generally, constitutional Fatigue, weakness, thirst, body pain, headache, muscle aches, Gastrointestinal Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, Sleep and biological rhythms, Decreased sleep, slow-wave sleep, Sensory Vertigo and sensitivity to light and sound, Cognitive Decreased attention and concentration, Mood Depression, anxiety, and irritability, Sympathetic hyperactivity Tremor, sweating, and increased pulse, and systolic blood pressure, rapid eye movements are seen as salient after-effects of alcohol use. Alcohol may directly contribute to a hangover in several ways. Alcohol causes the body to increase urinary output. Even a little alcohol exacerbates "inattentional blindness," a condition that makes it easy for you to miss something major (a deer) while you're concentrating on something else (a street sign). retic). The consumption of 50 g of alcohol in 250 milliliters of water (i.e. approximately 4 drinks) causes the elimination of 600 to 1,000 mL (or up to 1 quart) of water over several hours because it promotes urine production by inhibiting the release of a hormone (i.e., antidiuretic hormone, or vasopressin) from the pituitary gland. In turn, reduced levels of anti-diuretic hormone prevent the kidneys from reabsorbing (i.e., conserving) water and thereby increase urine production. Sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea also commonly occur during a hangover, and these conditions can result in additional fluid loss and electrolyte imbalances. Symptoms of mild to moderate dehydration include thirst, weakness, dryness of mucous membranes, dizziness, and lightheadedness are all commonly observed during a hangover. Alcohol directly irritates the stomach and intestines, causing inflammation of the stomach lining (i.e., gastritis) and delayed stomach emptying, especially when beverages with a high alcohol concentration (i.e., greater than 15 percent) are consumed.

Alcohol consumption also can produce fatty liver, an accumulation of fat compounds called triglycerides and their components (i.e., free fatty acids) in liver cells. In addition, alcohol increases the production of gastric acid as well as pancreatic and intestinal secretions. Any or all of these factors can result in the upper abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting experienced during a hangover. Several alterations in the metabolic state of the liver and other organs occur in response to the presence of alcohol in the body and can result in low blood sugar levels (i.e., low glucose levels, or hypoglycemia). Not only this, alcohol metabolism leads also fatty liver and a buildup of an intermediate metabolic product, lactic acid, in body fluids (i.e., lactic acidosis). Both of these effects can inhibit glucose production. Alcohol-induced hypoglycemia generally occurs after binge drinking over several days in alcoholics who have not been eating. In such a situation, prolonged alcohol consumption, coupled with poor nutritional intake, not only decreases glucose production but also exhausts the reserves of glucose stored in the liver in the form of glycogen, thereby leading to hypoglycemia. Because glucose is the primary energy source of the brain, hypoglycemia can contribute to hangover symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and mood disturbances. Diabetics are particularly sensitive to the alcohol-induced alterations in blood glucose.

Despite the prevalence of hangovers, however, this condition is not well understood scientifically. Multiple possible contributors to the hangover state have been investigated, and researchers have produced evidence that alcohol can directly promote hangover symptoms through its effects on urine production, the gastrointestinal tract, blood sugar concentrations, sleep patterns, and biological rhythms. In addition, researchers postulate that effects related to alcohol’s absence after a drinking bout (i.e., withdrawal), alcohol metabolism, and other factors (e.g., biologically active, nonalcohol compounds in beverages; the use of other drugs; certain personality traits; and a family history of alcoholism) also may contribute to the hangover condition. Few of the treatments commonly described for hangover have undergone scientific evaluation.

No doubt, prehistoric people also experienced hangovers soon after they discovered alcohol. Despite its long history, however, hangover has received relatively scant formal attention from researchers. Little is known about the physiology underlying the hangover condition. For example, it is unclear whether hangover signs and symptoms are attributable to alcohol’s direct effects on the body, its aftereffects, or a combination of both. Similarly, investigators are uncertain about the degree to which hangover affects a person’s thinking and mentally controlled motor functions, a question with serious implications for activities such as job performance and driving.

In addition, researchers know little about hangover prevention and treatment. Although folk remedies for hangovers abound, their efficacy in reducing the intensity and duration of a hangover has not received systematic study. In fact, some researchers and clinicians question whether finding an effective treatment for hangovers is desirable, given that the hangover experience may deter some people from engaging in subsequent episodes of heavy drinking.

Now-a-days, the use of alcohol is increasing world over. Somewhere, it is used due to climatic reasons and somewhere, the people believe that it is an addition for enjoyment, forgetting their follies, to ignore their disasters, to provide them extra energy for some extra-ordinary work and/or many other reasons. But the alcohol does not provide any relief – just it makes you loose some consciousness and you justify your reason. It has all the bad effects as I told earlier. Some medical purpose of the use can be exception but in the prescribed limits only. It is therefore better to ignore at the initial stage and if you have tasted earlier and/or have got addicted, it must be given up with strong determination. Risk of alcohol abuse increases if your drinking starts at an early age. Some studies suggest that older people may become more sensitive to the effects of alcohol as they age.

Sooner alcohol is given up, better you will feel in due course of time. Be Happy – avoid Alcohol to the maximum possible.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Be Happy – Change Your Attitude

Sometime, we feel depressed with the happenings around us. It appears that somebody is doing something wrong with us or we are somewhere wrong. We try to find out the reason. But we get confused, perhaps due to our pre-biased thinking. That is why we feel that everything is not happening in our favour. We are doing our best. We are putting in hard work. We are trying to get knowledge about the job from every corner. We love our work – we feel that in the past, in our various jobs, luck had been to our side and this time too, it must be on our side. We have sufficient money invested and further, we can invest without any problem. We don’t lack leadership to handle our staff and our colleagues. But we are not able to get the success. Why so?

We tried our best to find out the cause of our depression but could not be able to ascertain why we did not get the success as we desired. Once I got the same problem, then one of good friends felt it and told that for an effective solution of the problem, we needed to make some changes in our working strategy. She made us convinced that somewhere we were wrong. She gave us a simple solution which I would like to share here.

She asked me to write down alphabet of English from A to Z and under each alphabet, I should allot the placement value like 1 to A, 2 to B, 3 to C and the like. Her advice would figure out as below:





















































Then she asked me to make an equation each for the options we adopted for solution of our problem like Hard work, Knowledge, love, luck, money, leadership etc., by adopting the placement value for each letter of our options. It may come up as below:


























To achieve any goal, all of us have to put in hard work. We know that to begin a job, put it on line and finish it properly takes a lot of hard work but it scores 98 out of 100.





























Gaining knowledge of the job to be undertaken plays an important role but it too secures 98 marks out of 100. It means it is not complete in itself to achieve the success.














If you undertake any job, you need to love that job. Otherwise you won’t be successful. But alone, it is not helpful to ensure success.














Many of us blame our luck for un-successes in our jobs. But it does not play such a major role in getting us the success.

















It is true that in every venture, we need to invest some money whether that is initial start towards equity capital, or that is required for back-up expenses for the professionals. Money is something important but not everything for your success. You need a little more to be successful.
































Leadership plays a vital role in your success. It enables you to use other people’s time, their abilities and money for accomplishing your job. You can inspire them, you can promote them and you can lead them. But sometime, it does not help you fully. In its perfect working, it scores 97 marks out of 100.


























Yes, it is your attitude. If you get your attitude positive, you are sure to get success in any job you take up. A little change in your attitude can make miracle in your working. Just you make out that you are to win and make your attitude like it, your approach to undertaking hardwork, gaining knowledge, your love, your luck, your financial investment and your leadership would also undergo a drastic change and you would achieve the success.

Change your attitude and be happy.