Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Be Happy – Avert Unhappiness

Unhappiness is a curse to your life. None wishes to be unhappy for a single moment. Why are you unhappy? Your unhappiness could be multi-times. Suppose you are troubled by something… for example, your body is under pain – this is the first unhappiness. But due to that unhappiness the mind becomes unhappy, “Why this pain? Why me? When would this pain go away?” Then, you had been thinking over the unhappiness from many angles, this process of thinking again and again increases the weight of pain many times over. The body is in pain. The body is curing it too. Nature has its own way of healing. But the mind made it “my pain”, “my unhappiness”. Instead of working on curing yourself of unhappiness, work on curing yourself of extra unhappiness.

Children get angry. But you also see them playing peacefully the very next moment. Now compare that to an instance where you have gotten angry. You got angry. It does not trouble you as such. The episode is over. But you are thinking, about it. Even after the incident has passed, what you think gives you trouble. This means you get angry over anger and this troubles the mind. As your understanding increases, you get rid of this extra unhappiness.

Unhappiness alone cannot trouble you. Unhappiness in and of itself does not possess the capacity to trouble you. Non-acceptance of unhappiness is the point where extra unhappiness begins. That is where there is unhappiness over unhappiness as to why you are unhappy. When there is acceptance of this unhappiness, then unhappiness over that unhappiness doesn’t happen. Depression doesn’t occur: The understanding will arise that it is only non-acceptance that is unhappiness and that it is only acceptance that is happiness.

Accept moments of unhappiness and let it go. How do you let them go? You let unhappiness go without resisting it by asking a simple question, “Can I accept this?” This question propels the release of unhappiness. In most cases, the answer you shall receive within is that you can accept this. You immediately release your unhappiness and change your focus.

What if you cannot accept your unhappiness? What if the answer to the question, “Can I accept this?” is a ‘no’? Then, ask yourself a second question, “Can I accept that I cannot accept this unhappiness?” Be right with your non-acceptance. Do not become unhappy over not being able to accept. Then you are not accepting non-acceptance. Accept the non-acceptance and you shall be able to release you level of happiness instantly.

What is true at one level is true at all levels. As in small, so in big. As in the microcosm, so in the macrocosm. When you answer “Yes” to the “Can I accept this?” Question, then you have let go of negative feelings associated with it. You may think that this is just a small step. But when you do so, it causes a giant shift in you consciousness. At that very moment, a lot of other unrelated things open up for you and you begin to attract more positive things. The smallest letting go action helps us in every facet of our life. Not only do you become mentally free, but it affects you at the physical, emotional, social and financial levels, setting off a chain reaction that reverberates through your entire being and leaves you in quite a different place that you were before.

It is therefore advisable that you must avert unhappiness altogether. Be happy – Avert Unhappiness.

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